Extreme Home Makeover: Buffalo Edition

Wear the NYSpeed shirt!!

How long is this going for? I had friends working on the house on Sunday.

its goin til this saturday from what i heard./ anyone got pics to post?

Yes they give you the shirts and your required to wear them while working

My head hurts when I try to understand the concept of a single event both accepting donations and turning a huge profit for the organizer.

Hmm, I think I have it though: ABC figured out a socially acceptable way to capitalize on people’s hardships. Wow.

yea, i really cant get behind this.

The buffalo news article earlier in the thread didn’t say anything about her volunteering instead of making money. Rather, that she often works double shifts as a nurse’s aid.

It did mention that she has 4 kids that she can barely afford to keep from freezing in the winter and wanted to buy the house next door to the one she can barely heat now too. Not sure what that’s all about.

2 words for the outcome of this … " HOME INVASION "

Making just $100 a week as a home health aide, Delores tried hard to keep the home in livable condition for her four kids. The Extreme Home Makeover producers were impressed with her story and her dedication to volunteerism. “This woman has come to this country as an immigrant from Jamaica to give her family a better life. She works nights and then takes time during the day to give back to her community,” said David Stapleton, owner of David Homes, the builder tapped by the TV show to lead the building project.
An activist with the community group PUSH Buffalo, Delores works on revitalization projects on the city’s Westside. “Don’t give up, keep fighting, be strong, be positive,” she said.


Volunteering is great but you have to put your family first. If you’re struggling that bad to get by maybe that time spent volunteering would be better spent at a 2nd job.

Eesh. I hope the second story is spun to make her seem like more of a hero to the less objective among us.

But yeah, if her kids are huddled around a space heater in the winter and she’s making $100 per week, spending time volunteering is just irresponsible.

How the fuck can you only make 100 dollars a week?

How do you only make 100 dollars a week? I made more when I was 12 and mowing lawns you’re telling me that’s the only source of income she has?

take home? work 3 days a week at 7 bucks an hour…

Yeah, the more you read into this the more you realize how much they’re spinning her self inflicted hardships. Working just 40 hours a week at minimum wage she’d be making almost 3 times that. And making that little, single with 4 kids there won’t be much if anything lost to taxes.

maybe shes just a dirty hooker that charges extremely low rates.

I wonder how much she gets from NYS to supplement that 100 bucks a week.

She probably is a good person and wants the best for the area and her kids, but not all people are blessed with common sense. Her scraping by is probably still a step up from where she was raised?

Also, she probably only earns $100/week so that she has spending money on top of some sort of govt. assistance. Some groups bend over backward to help provide govt handouts.

Someone needs to document this. Long term, in a blog or something. “A Real Extreme Home Makover Story.” Drive by once a month and take pics.

See if the house is lost to back taxes and/or graffitied to shit by scum within a year, or robbed, or burned by haters, or…

I really hope for the best for the family, but I am worried. Is the city going to reassess her $10k house at $150k and bankrupt her with taxes? If they build her a 2500 sq ft place will she be able to afford to heat it on $100 bucks per month? Will some poor welfare trash that feels cheated by not getting handed a nice house throw a molotov cocktail at it?

We could take up a collection and buy the house across the street stricly to run live a live web feed? $1 from each registered member would probably be enough :smiley:

Taken from WGRZ

"Right now, the Massachusetts Street home is assessed at $20,000 dollars. And with a STAR exemption the owners pay no city taxes. That will almost certainly change.

But, even if the home’s assessment only doubled, to $40,000 dollars, between city and county taxes and sewer rates (we did the math) it’s about $600 dollars. And there’s no way to know what is in the family’s budget."

She will defiantly need to make more money to pay for all the bills.

It would really be a shame to see this all go down the hole once it is complete.