Extreme Home Makeover: Buffalo Edition

Best bet is to turn the entire house into a money making venue. Like a day care for example. Even if she tries to sell it off, no one is going to want the diamond that you can’t take out of the rough.

So much fail.

Not surprised it happened in buffalo.

hasnt this happend before on the show where the home was big so much bigger that the occupants had to sell it becasue they couldnt afford it

See earlier posts about this.

I can’t even get my grocery bill to be under $100 per week for two people. LoL

Fucking $3 per pound grapes. Why must white seedless grapes be so sweet and delicious?!

I’m interested in seeing how this plays out.

I love the game plan with this show.

  1. Get sponsors to pay for materials in order to advertise.
  2. Get poor saps to volunteer to build this house.
  3. Video tape and make Millions!

They should (under raps) have a second show that comes in 1-5 years down the road to show how much the family has appreciated the home and show its current condition! This show could also be combined with dirty jobs.

The house they did here in Pittsburgh a few months back…the demo crew ended up smashing into a neighbor’s van (parked in a driveway) with a bulldozer or something. They promised to pay for the damages and of course never did and they won’t return the woman’s phone calls or anything. Months later they still do updates on the news about it. Kind of shitty.

LOL GTFO of my new house!!


Here’s some FAIL stories.

Kentucky http://blogs.wsj.com/developments/2009/06/09/house-of-the-day-extreme-home-makeover-for-sale-in-kentucky/

Michigan http://blogs.wsj.com/developments/2008/12/09/yet-another-extreme-makeover-home-may-face-foreclosure/

Georgia http://blogs.wsj.com/developments/2008/07/31/extreme-makeover-home-in-foreclosure/

Florida http://blogs.wsj.com/developments/2008/12/18/troubled-extreme-makeover-recipient-in-florida-recieves-reprieve/

^ well done.

I want to do an extreme home makeover of my own house. Everyone donate me the materials and come and do the work. I’ll stand in the corner with a video camera. Unlike these people, I’ll actually be able to afford to maintain it.

They all read “bad decisions”

The families were dumb and took out second morgages without realizing they’d get an increase from $1,200 to $2,300 a month? Did they not read?

And the second one tried to use the $450,000 home as collateral for a new business and failed. That has nothing to do with the show, but rather the family did what anyone else could do. That one was just a bad decision as well.

The only one I say “WTF” about is the one where the family go the new home and kicked the adopted kids with different last names out. How crappy… but those people didn’t lose the house.

And the Florida home: “After receiving a 7,000-square-foot home and office for her charity back in 2006, the Florida resident found herself overwhelmed by code violations – largely abandoned vehicles and trash, the Orlando Sentinel reports.” Abandoned vehicles and trash? WTF? Clean up the yard… because we all know it was spotless and there were no friggin cars piled up on the lawn when the show was over! You wouldn’t get fines if you just cleaned up a little and obeyed the local laws about cleanliness!

^ I never blamed the show. Just pointing out what usually happens AFTER the show.

Oh, gotcha :slight_smile:

I was more angry at the articles trying to show that it was the shows fault the way the articles were written. When if you read between the lines it just shows that the people didn’t make very good decisions. Of course, I feel sympathetic that the people with health issues are now dealing with the ever increasing problems in their lives… which always sucks…

Anyone else upset by the actual people doing the work on the home?

I’m sure ~99% of them only do it to be on TV, and the other days of the year sit around and wouldn’t do the same thing unless it was going to be on TV.

A lady working on the home just walked into my work here, and she immediately started telling her coworkers about the TV Show and what channel its going to air on.


yeah, no shit

nobody cares about helping. what a crock of shit. I bet NONE of the people that are helping there, have ever done community service on their own free will.

That is my bitch about it. It’s cool they are helping out a family and neighborhood, but out of the 5000 volunteers, how many actually do anything else to help out a charity or cause. They want to be a part of a tv show and go with the hype. Where are they for working a soup kitchen for a day or helping out Habitat for Humanity?

Once the show packs up and gets out of town, people will go back to their non-contributing to society mentality until another tv camera shows back up in Buffalo.

yep, exactly

and before ppl call me a hypocrite, I have donated time and goods to habitat for humanity, as well as put in many hours working with a local Kiwanis club to do free work for the comminuty. I have also purchased goods at the habitat for humanity restore.

I love my neighborhood!

The house is pretty nice on the inside.

I wonder if I can upload pics or Ill get sued or some shit. Look for my mug on tv bitches

Yeah i have a lot of the pics of the progress i was waiting to host online until after the house is revealed to the family at least…