Extreme Home Makeover: Buffalo Edition

Meh, just post them. Not like anyone else wasn’t taking pictures too. They are in Disney, they aren’t surfing the net to check out the progress.

They made us all sign waivers agreeing not to bring cameras/take pictures, among other limitations. Better safe than sorry…

BINGO. Except they don’t have to pay people to do the work! Same premise- find someone who deserves help, give them something huge and flashy that they can’t afford to maintain, and then say “seeya” and move onto the next one. Giving someone a modest home that they can afford and future help to ensure they are able to keep the house aren’t good for ratings.

Company pics

I better get royalties


And by no means is this house too flashy. Its nice, but not crazy - except for the ceiling murals in that particular bedroom

A couple things here. A friend of mine, who absolutely does not bullshit at all… Told me an interesting story about the extreme home.

Her husband had volunteered, he is a contractor, and wanted to help out. He left the scene after he learned that the owners of the house were selling drugs out of it.

Yeah, I feel sorry for some people like this, but honestly if you are only making $100 per week, then just look to NY. You in in the right place for welfare, we don’t say no to anyone. Social services will put you in a paid for apartment, with paid for food, lights, heat, everything. Then you will get a cell phone, and $100 for each kid to go back to school shopping with.

I think that the show is feeling the recession also. If you look at their previous builds, they are pretty much new houses in very nice neighborhoods.

Now they are basically modifying a $5000 house, and making it “green”. This is a very low budget build for the likes of ABC.

I hope they put burglar bars on every window of the house. People from the streets are going to break into the house, and steal all the copper pipes and absolutely trash the place.

If they really were to do an extreme makeover, they should have bulldozed the entire block, and put up cookie cutter modular homes. Ones that people can afford to maintain.

The area is just to shitty, and frankly Buffalo is starting to remind me of Detroit more and more.

House in Detroit:
Where they refinanced their mortage to pull money out of the house and now can’t afford the payments.


More houses listed here:

Pretty lame this house was prebuilt

I Wonder how they are bypassing inspections? Complete bullshit

It’s obvious people are only volunteering because they think they will be on tv, ive never seen anyone on tv besides the “ty crew” and the builder himself

Who was the celebrity assistance on this one? Did I miss this already posted?

I thought part of the show was paying off the peoples mortgage ?

my buddy worked on this. did alot of the landscaping.

Did he do it as a volunteer or for a company?

I know the Bills/Jills helped…not sure if that’s the “celebrity”

I don’t think they do unless the company/community donates the money.

either way I don’t see this house lasting. It will either get robbed/vandalized or left to shit or of course…foreclosed.

Ashanti was there on Saturday as were a lot of the buffalo bills.

god. scott is so dreamy.

The kids were all given scholarships to canisius and a local bank has stepped up to counsel the family on their financial future/keeping the house.

Due to the prior issues with other families losing their homes the show has started to pay more attention to keeping the families in their homes.

The whole thing is silly and kinda disturbing. Like what was said, the house will be trashed, the car wrecked, and the kids will never go to school.

All because you don’t respect what you didn’t earn.

I thought it was Alicia Keys?

^doubt it will help much if they really have a drug problem there.

“you can lead a horse to water, but you cant force it to drink”

it’ll most likely be too late before/if ever the people realize the opportunity they had.


(again this is based purely on drug dealing speculation)

no, it was ashanti.
and you would have thought they would have done something with the house next door for the tv show.

I think its bullshit , this family immigrated to the US a few years ago and bought a “fixer upper” that suprise! didnt fix itself up (well I guess it did now)

How about the working poor of Buffalo who have been in this fucking forsaken city for the past 100yrs

How about people in Gowanda who got devestated by floods and got peanuts from FEMA?

To give these people a house, a new car and free education rubs me wrong

We are the 3rd poorest city in the USA and this welfare case puts all the eggs in one basket and then hands the basket to someone who hasnt suffered the woes of this area, who probably dosent even know what bethlehem steel is and certainly never had a relative effected by its closing, someone who hasnt suffered the devestating effects of the Love Canal toxic waste dump or been riddled by MS

where is the SOB story in all of this??
How many jobs is the mother working and how many hours?
tragic medical condition of her or the children?

How much money was involved in all of this?


you could have given 5k to 40 impoverished families

This should have gone to someone with life long connections to this area and has suffered but stuck to Buffalo tried and true

All this does is encourage more people to float over here on a fucking raft to be handed the “American dream” and it solidifies my point that working gets you no where but poor

As the Germans once said “Arbeit Macht Frei” that sentiment rings just as true in the US today

Welfare is freedom