Extreme Home Makeover: Buffalo Edition

Kind of upset that all the kids all get free rides to Canisius. Don’t you have to have certain grades for acceptance? Nice for me that my wife and I are still paying off her $20,000 tuition for her degree. No free ride for the working class I guess.

Plus West Herr gave a car, Tops and Rich Products gave food? Wow. How about spreading the wealth.

I myself don’t want any handouts, but they could have helped a lot of people than just one family that has lived here for what, 10 years?

Oh well, they will be out of the news in a few days until something happens like vandalism, or they screw up what they have been given. Hopefully the neighborhood learns from the huge gift they have been given and continue to try and improve the area.

I agree

they gave them everything but TOs key to the city

that would be the most boring tv show ever. Don’t forget, this is still a business, even though they are giving things away. ABC Makes money on this.

I understand this, I just think they could have found a much more deserving family

The only hardship they mentioned was how the mom had to walk 6 miles to school in Jamica, I should be so lucky to take a 6 mile walk in a tropical paradise

Remember too…that the benefits of this extend far out beyond a single family getting free stuff. This sort of event sparks a lot of people to volunteer, feel good about themselves, help others, and build a huge sense of self pride that pours out into other areas of the community.

Overall…it’s a great thing for all the individuals who volunteer and donate their time/money to helping others no matter how much they “deserve” it.

I heard they were doing stuff to all the houses on the block, like re-roofing and bringing them up to code.

Somewhat understood. But hopefully people continue to volunteer and give back to a community.

I sided my house, changed out the windows, landscaped, etc but that doesn’t mean that some of my other neighbors are going to do the same to theirs to get on par with the improvements I did to my house. All in good hopes, but in the long run, it doesn’t happen. :frowning:

Look, a lucky neighbor!


he volunteered there for 2 of the days. the landscaping was on the second. however he does have his own landscaping business. (surecut landscaping & lawncare)

the amount of haters and speculation in here is outrageous…

so and so heard from his friends husband who heard from so and so that drugs are being dealt…it must be true because i mean if you dealt drugs why wouldnt you come up to someone who was volunteering to fix my house and tell them you are a drug dealer…but wait the family is in florida so how did they do that?

who cares what this family got… it doesnt effect any of us. if you think more people should be helped then here is your chance to get out and make a difference. if not then save the hate there is no need for it.

I just way its was a waste of time and effort in that house, it would of been better if they used the money the spent on that house to help the whole block. putting up a brand new house in a block with all 1900’s house doesnt do that any good also if the family’s main source of income was let say dying of cancer and cant make the home repair i would have simpathy.

I lived in the west side for 15 years and 5 years on 14th street, My mom was a single mother of 4 and we made it, without a problem why couldnt they?

their fault for buying a house for $7500 and expecting it to be livable.

but thumb up for everyone who helped.

and thank god i have never watched extreme house makeover.

2 hour show on January 24

any confirm there was a murder near their home too?
a guy at work told me that it happened a while back after they did the house.

They did do the whole block. Not as extravagant as this one house, but they were doing all new siding, roofs landscaping etc… The whole street is basically rebuilt.