Facebook buys Whatsapp for $19Billion

that’s market price… i’m sure if Whatsapp went public it would have only had a value of $5B or something still too high but FB paid a hefty premium to take them right out.

i’m going through that right now trying to buy a business (not related to the forums) and the guy wants 3 - 4 times what it’s worth on paper.

In my younger generation facebook seems to die off around grade 11 or 17 years old. The only time most of us use it is to
A. plan parties
B. share notes/answers for college courses
C. buy/sell car parts in my case anyways lol

Something that I see a lot more action in is Instagram. I’m not saying it’s going to take off nd be the big thing as instagram is definetly dying slowly compared to when I got it. But I follow about 100 people, I’d say 85 I know in person and get on average 30-40 pictures uploaded a day. On Facebook I have 600 friends and see maybe 200 posts a day.

I see more posts per average on facebook, but theres a lot less activity such as likes and comments. I mean it’s not uncommon for a friend to get 100+ likes on her picture where as 30 or so is like max for a status. I think a lot more of my friends are active on instagram thoughout the day and only check facebook once or twice.

^^^ good post.

do you think FB’s declining usage is due to ease of use (other sites are easier to use), the people on it (moving to where the parents aren’t), or a privacy thing (facebook is too open)

I’m betting its the large number of parents on Facebook.

It seems most adults don’t have the attention span for facebook/twitter everything moves very quickly

My friend just quit his job at DuPont to take a job at SpaceX…he’s going to do alright…

Especially when they get bought out.

I was was commenting on the super inflated price of Whatsapp compared to companies that are doing extremely well and are profitable.

Nothing to do with the successfulness of SpaceX

I am very aware.

Well, a number of thins really. Instagram for example, in it’s entirety is a very simple but strong concept. It allows you to share pictures, enhance them and then network with people around the world by hitting like 3 buttons. It also lets you search similar intrests, I for one follow 4 or 5 schassis accounts alone. So it’s a good platform to share, interact, and meet people interested in the same things.

Additionally, a picture says a thousand words. I for one would much rather scroll through pictures than a wall of text any day of the week. It’s more aesthetically pleasing and interesting. Plus I think the parents not being to involved on instagram definitely plays into it. For me it does anyways.

Also I think this can’t be overlooked, but I’m 18. Most of the people on my instagram are 22 and under. Girls my age seem to love to show off their new “bikini’s” and I think I speak for us all when I say I don’t mind seeing that every day. Lol

I saw the first one in Google+ , I lol’d

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Teens are already moving to…

lol. Awesome.

the dudes who write that shit are smart

Not big money wise, but Facebook buys Oculus for $2bil. What’s Facebook going to do with 3D headsets?

saw this. i dont totally get it but i trust the strategy.

hack the gibson?


It’s going to be sweet when social media is all virtual reality at which point you could just goto the bar and hang out with your friends instead of doing so in a VR social media world.
