Fall Photoshoot [kouki]

It was a gorgeous weekend and I just washed my car - so why not take some photos?

Here’s a link to a slideshow version (with more photos) on my Flickr account.

Those are some really good pics!

amazing stuff, i love how you enhanced the colour of the background/trees and grass in order to make your car stand out more. Shot # 15 looks like something right out of Gran Turismo :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Haha it does look like something from the GT5P home screen…I hope S13, 14, and 15’s make it into the final version of Gran Turismo 5.

Not bad at all. Just make sure you don’t winter drive it or I will slap you.

:frowning: I have no choice, can’t afford to insure two cars, and nowhere to store it…it’s already been winter driven anyways…

i was 19 and a full time student and i could afford a second car, if i could do it, anyone could do it

winter driving this car is a sin

beautiful pics


Amazing pics. Keep it clean.

Love your car :slight_smile: , Shame you have to drive it in the winter my s13 isn’t close to being as nice as yours but I dont drive it :slight_smile: use my parents car for the winter YAH hahaha

I wish I could man, but $660/month insurance on this car alone, along with a student loan to pay off, along with rent, groceries, utilities, entertainment, gas, and whatever else comes along, it just isn’t possible. For me to insure another car, I’d be paying an additional $500 (on a beater) per month. That’s $1160+ in insurance alone.

I think I’m going to get one of those electronic rust proofing devices - my buddy works @ Nissan and can hook me up.

I respect you, your a true hardworking guy when u don’t rely on parents to pay for shit & understand the importance of having other liabilities to look after.

very beautiful photos, I like your sense of style and the car is very clean and beautiful itself lol :slight_smile: Fall is truely the best time to capture natures warm beauty and cars or basically anything looks amazing in a photo with fall colours and background.

WTF that much…wow.

how the fuck do you pay that much for insurance? i pay like 200 a month…

500$ a month for a beater? I know Ontario is more then Quebec, but my Tempo was costing me 35$ a month and I live practically downtown!!!

How the hell are you paying 600$ for that car? lol I’m 21 now and I’m paying 132$ a month for a Grand Cherokee and my 240SX, both under my name.

Thanks for the comments RED_LINE.

My insurance is $660/month for my '97 240sx (it was $645 for the sileighty I had briefly), due to my driving record. 2 years ago I was caught snow drifting in my '98 Legacy GT, and was charged with dangerous driving. I later had that reduced to a careless, at the expense of a $4k lawyer. Just a few months after that, some b!tch (who’s dad happens to be a high ranking undercover police officer) hit me, and the trainee police officer that came to the scene was an idiot. Long story short, I ended up getting screwed with a 50% at fault accident on my record (which, by the way, counts as the same thing as a 100% at fault accident to insurance companies).

When I had my Legacy, I was only paying $311/month. I’m now paying for my mistakes, and will be literally “paying” for the next few years. I got a quote for a '94 Nissan Sentra (beater), and it was $575/month. If I were to own that and my 240sx, I’d be looking at $1,235/month in insurance ALONE.

I’m lucky to have a high paying job for a 21 year old with 1 year of college to my name. Between paying my insurance, gas, maintenance, rent (just moved out with a couple buddies), groceries, utilities, phone bill, entertainment, student loan, and whatever else comes up, it’s just not possible for me to afford a beater. I’m starting a few new business ventures (one car related, the other affiliate marketing) in the next little while (while working full time, hitting the gym, and trying to enjoy myself), so that I can bring in some extra income.

Luckily I have a good relationship with my parents and can pop home for a meal once in a while, or move back in if things don’t work out living with my friends. In no way do they help me financially, but they do provide awesome moral support, and are happy to offer me things like an old couch and some other things for my new place.

If there’s another sunny weekend, we should arrange for a SON fall photo-shoot of some sort…one of these days I need to get myself a REAL camera.

what kind of camera you using

Sony Cyber-shot 8.1 Megapixels, LOL…one day I need to get a REAL camera…

Do you have full 2 way insurance? That 500$ for the Sentra sounds like full 2 way.