farmer's R34 thread drama crap thread

What’s with all the elitist attitudes?

It’s kind of ridiculous that a fairly tight knit community is not willing to help each other out.

High-brow even.

Lets make sure the tuner community is eventually phased out by people wanting to be “the only” and “the first”


I think he just wants to feel good about it for a little bit… I’m sure eventually he’ll let it out, or someone will.

However I don’t blame him. Why put all that work into getting the car street legal and built period and then see the same thing every time you drive to timmies?

Let him have his fun. He worked hard to get it together and spent a lot of money.

Information is power and nothing comes free (at this magnitude).

If you want it, go do your own research and put one together. What’s going to be special about it if everyone has one? Just like R32 it’s just a meh now.

If everyone shared everything, no one would make money and put the effort into doing great things.

Stop being lazy and expect things to be spoon fed.

The man worked hard to get it running and you think he’ll just give out this hard earned info for free?

Sorry, we don’t live in such a great world yet.

Ignorance is your best friend. If you took my post as complaining (like you originally said in your post before you edited it duckJAI) you are sadly mistaken.

If i wanted to import a newer japanese vehicle into canada, i’d have already done it.

You’re missing my point by reading my post from the same elitist pedestal I’m telling you about.

I thought it was cool to share knowledge and help each other out.

This thread reminds me of why I left here in the first place, only to come back to the same bullshit.

Yeah, be the first, be the only, impress the panties off the JDM jocking fanboys you’re trying to put a look of awe into their faces.

You forgot what the tuner community is about…community.

Im happy for farmer. But I’d be happier if more people were able to do and drive what they love.

So why don’t people do SR/RB swaps for free then (someone you don’t know but is in the community)?

By your definition, everyone should be helping everyone in the community.

I don’t see any of that happening. Shops charge an arm and a leg for their services. Why? Because they’ve done it before and have had the man hours and experience. Now by what you say, they should do it for free then right?

How about in the beginning when SRs were popular, everyone kept where to get them on the DL and flip them for a lot more?

Why? because those people who did the running around in the very beginning and finding the best place deserve to make a profit off it.

However, helping people part of your community to a certain degree is certainly expected, but not in this instance where I’m sure weeks have been put into researching and going around finding parts etc.

I’d understand your concern if it was a small issue like giving direction to help install coilovers or something small…

I think you have a slight elitist feel, IMO. You believe your intellect and morals to be greater than others (at least that’s the way it seems, again IMO). Borderline elitist, so I won’t call you one.

No-one is saying


Farmer just wants a little time I’m sure to enjoy what he worked hard for.

It’s kind of like “Hey, I went to university for 6 years for this great paying job, but now everyone has this job and went to university for 3 years”.

Not EXACTLY the same, but it ends with the same feeling. That you did all that work because you wanted to do something new and unique, then it isn’t so unique and new anymore cause 100 other people did it and didn’t have to do nearly as much work for it.

LABOUR is different from KNOWLEDGE.

EVEN if people knew how to import newer vehicles IT STILL TAKES LABOUR. Thus, everyone wins. You get the smug look of satisfaction because not everyone wants to put the work in to getting a newer vehicle. And the people who have the drive and ambition get the satisfaction because they worked their asses off like farmer to get it here.


I cant see why there’s a problem with that statement.

I’ll give you a fine example. On other forums, if someone is travelling through the country or even into a different country, other members in different areas offer up places to stay, food, company and fun. They arent asking for someone to wipe their ass or chew their food. No skin off of anybodies back.

Understand what i’m getting at?

When I had an SR in my car years ago I told EVERYONE where to get it. I even told people places to go to get it installed for a fair price. I vouched for Varun daily, told everyone about Bing’s parts, mentioned who knew what and could help, etc.

You have a valid and great point, but your arrogance (in your previous posts) is clouding it’s effect.

Dude, I agree with you that helping people out is the key in keeping a community.

Ask anyone here, I’ve helped people countless times, give them advice at the track and whatever I could be assistance of.

But in this particular situation, where researching information about how to get this R34 running is not the same.

Maybe you don’t realize the work put into it and you think it’s a simple put the puzzle together.

If you want to know the magnitude of it, maybe you should ask farmer yourself so you understand how much hardwork was put into it.

I have not seen 1 single person do something INCREDIBLY different and pull it off, and post instantly how to do it.

Most people I read keep it a secret first and enjoy it.

Good example is the modified s14 spindles that they have now on zilvia which give you INSANE steering angle.

Why do people keep things a secret for a while? To enjoy it and so people can recognize who did it first.

Is that such a bad thing to want after so much work?

You havent seen that 1 person do something incredibly different and post instantly how to do it because you’re looking in the wrong places. Zilvia, Drifting, SON, NEO, etc. are filled with the same crowd.

SG and sasha have put together step-by-steps for basically everything he does.

Ziptied (which is where the people who brought you the modified spindles/knuckles came from, as well as HUGE firsts and INCREDIBLY different and new things) shares knowledge to no end, no hesitation whatsoever. Ask bing and sasha and the couple other guys who are still posting over there.

Im not looking to import a newer vehicle. But if that time ever comes, and I walk through rings of fire to do it, I’ll be sure to post here exactly how I did it the moment it’s on canadian soil.

But I don’t think you’ll get the recognition for being so noble that you’re seeking. :wink:

Good for you then.

You should start by giving R33 some of your wise wisdom instead of the garbage you wrote here:

A fellow community member needs help, I don’t really think you’re comments were trying to help the cause…

lol Pooned.

Im sorry, did you miss the advice in my post? about filing a complaint or getting a lawyer

Or did you miss the part where he said he doesnt even care about getting the BOV back?

Therefore, I’m fair in saying he wont get it back and that nothing will be done. Unless he does one or both of the two things mentioned.

Maybe you should’ve looked up Irony instead of Hypocrisy.

I think I’m done, that’s all folks. And If I was seeking recognition, I’d let you know I already have it from the people who are being so quiet and watching us argue back and forth.

E-thugging since the birth of the internets.


How is that advice when that was mentioned and common sense from the get go?

Did you not read the part where he TRIED to file a complaint but was declined?

Advice is only advice if it HELPS the other party out. Clearly yours did none of that…

I very much look forward to your step-by-step procedure when you import a newly JDM car into Canada.

Maybe it’ll go something like this:

I filled out some papers, paid some money to some people and it got here. I pieced it together and VOILA!

PS: How are any of us E-thugging? I think we’re all behaving and NOT trying to cut each others throats up. Maybe to you a heated debate is e-thugging. Sorry to hurt your feelings then.


Even though I’ve never met you, this is hands down just plain awesome man. I don’t know how many barriers you faced along the way, but I hope you use this experience to do even bigger and better things in the future. Congrats on the project man, I hope it feels good to be on the other side now.


Not trying to bash on you or anything, but if you think of it, farmer would be the most reliable source for the first step in the door for most members on SON. And assuming we all agree that it not only takes time, but a lot of important links, farmer would probably have to refer some to the people he dealt with. Even if other people that knew of the process mentioned names, do you really think all of those people along the way in the process would take most of us seriously? I mean how many R34’s have you seen on the road here…I’m willing to bet there’s enough people out there that have tried but gave up along the way at some point. That’s when you give him mad props, and leave it at that.

Why would he waste his time like that when he’s in the last stretch of completing the car and whatnot? Common sense will tell you that if someone is serious enough about finding out, they will personally message farmer and be willing to talk things through with him in person, where farmer can then provide a better explanation if he feels it’s worth his time. Do you really think by merely typing a question in the Car Chat section he will consider you seriously enough (now knowing how long the whole process took?)

Basically, I don’t think it’s in farmer’s best interests at the moment to post his process up here (a super long ass post I’m assuming too), only to get question after question after question…only to find out 99% of the people posting won’t end up doing it anyway (due to time, money, etc.)…I mean c’mon, we have such a wide range of members varying from the og’s to new guys asking about 240 type r’s (haha, saw that one in someone’s sig this week) so how are you supposed to find the time to answer all of the questions that are inevitably going to be asked?

NeveR, I want to know about all of the car knowledge you gained in the last year or 2, please type that out for us, then maybe I’ll take back my comments. All I’m saying is, give the guy more credit, that’s all everyone that posted in this thread is doing, I never felt that anyone’s post was really elitist in tone, they were all just implying that it is a ridiculous milestone to achieve.

I never said farmer was being elitist. I was calling out the people saying “I know how but I’m not telling, etc.” The ones trying to stir the pot.

Those are the ones with the bad attitude. The people who try to gain internet stardom by being in the know, and having the ability to say I’m > You.

Farmer gets all the credit I can give and more. I’m not here to take the wind out of his sails, I’m certain he knows that.

And like I said, Im not the one seeking the information of how to legally import and register a newer japanese vehicle, but Im certain there are tons of people in canada, alot in this thread even who would like to know so they can chase their dream as well. These people don’t want doors slammed in their faces when they ask how to do it. Sticking up for the little guy I guess.

NeveR, I want to know about all of the car knowledge you gained in the last year or 2, please type that out for us, then maybe I’ll take back my comments

P.S. What does this mean?

^^ To me it seemed like you were clearly calling farmer out since he told everyone that he could not reveal the loophole since it would ruin the project (which I and many other people seem to understand). He’s the one who completed the R34…who else would you be calling out? The people who said they know how to, but didn’t even have a part in putting the R34 together? scratches head

Ok yeah that’s what I thought you were implying…but got confused like duckJai when I read farmer’s post on pg1 where he said:

“i cant tell you how to do this because of the time that was spent on research and to let everybody know will kill our project”

That statement to me sounded similar to some of the other comments people said so then I thought you were including farmer into this group of ‘elitists’.

The point I was trying to make was…if you think about it enough, you should be able to figure out that this process isn’t anything close to an engine swap, or any type of custom fab work or whatnot. We all know it’s a lot more work than that. Build threads are hard enough to maintain properly if you’re making one so just try to imagine how much time farmer would have to spend trying to make his post as clear as possible. Even then someone will still ask questions…and I’m sure it won’t stop for a very long time…so why even bother asking? If someone’s serious enough they wouldn’t post up in this Car Chat thread asking how to do it, they’d try to contact him personally. I think at that point it would be farmer’s choice in helping out the community or not.

In reply to your PS, I was just trying to show you what I meant in terms of how much time you would have to spend typing out everything you learned about X topic for the past 2 years…I’m sure it would be a lot and I’m pretty sure you’re probably too lazy to do that. I hope you see what I mean now. Not bashing, just trying to say that posting a process like this isn’t really worth anyone’s time…it wouldn’t help the car community that much imo.