Fashion Thread: Men's Accessories


LMAO. This thread was full of fail until this post. :tup:

You’re going off on a tangent here that really isn’t necessary. OP is speaking about being at a point in life where you already have the job, and are perhaps more interested in finer details. Also, this isn’t about big dollars…check the prices in the opening post.

My $75 Diesel watch has netted me several compliments because it’s a good looking watch. Expensive? Not at all. Tasteful? Absolutely. Do I wear it with a suit? Never, for it’s merely an accesory for my casual attire.

yeah, we’re not really talking about spending thousands on useless crap.

I see some people here have designer wallets, which I think is a cool investment. I know that Coach really stands behind their products and has a lifetime warranty on the stitching and stuff, so if it rips apart, it can be fixed.

My shitty wallet is about beat. I think I want to try a money clip next, but I think I want one with a card holder attached to it.

Any thoughts on money clips vs wallet?

maybe something like this:

I had a wallet with a money clip on it that began to wear through most of my pants:( Over time the leather over the clip got beat and exposed the metal edge…

I’ve seen some really nice (what I’ll call) ‘sleeves’ that hold cards and small amounts of cash quite nicely. I really don’t know how to define them to link a pic, but they’re convenient when you don’t need a milion forms of credit card and tons of cash on you.

I think my main problem is that I feel like I have A LOT of cards and that I would overcrowd a money clip.

Good point about the clip too. A lot of times I don’t carry any cash at all, so it may rub on the leather A LOT.

Give it 5 years and the wallet will go the way of the buggie whip.

OK I’ll play along.

Fry’s bling:

Titanium wedding band, single diamond, comfort cut.
Engineer’s ring.

Also black leather bifold wallet with only credit card, debit card, corporate card, license, and insurance card. Thin is key.

Generic thin black leather belt. Black leather loafers and I keep a kiwi express shine sponge in my desk so that they always look well kept. You guys can get as fancy as you want but if you want to look good keep it simple and keep it clean. And for the love of God buy clothes that fit. I work with engineers so I see it all. There’s one guy who is on the short side and wears a long sport coat and ends up looking like a little kid in daddy’s work clothes. Fat guys with buttons about to burst. Hot air balloon dress shirts on skinny guys.

Oh, and when I graduated from college my inlaws gave me a black nylon Samsonite briefcase. The thing’s been all over the world and still looks brand new. The spring loaded shoulder strap even still retracts fine.

OK, I have 2 credit, 1 debit, license, 2 insurance, costco membership, 4 grocery store, HSA card, movie discount card

that’s 13 cards…not sure I can deal with digging through a money clip card holder for those…

No need for more than 1 debit and 1 credit card on you all the time and all the discount cards can live in the glove box. Why keep shit on you all the time that you don’t use every day? Your back will thank you for the thinner wallet.

I have a brutally bad memory…that’s just asking for them to get lost (I know I’m stubborn lol)

btw, I agree with all the stuff posted above.

I also think that with the whole personal presentation thing, for a lot of guys, it’s just about quality over fashion. There is nothing worse than buying a shitty pair of shoes, and wearing through the soles in 2 months. Same goes for wallets and stuff. I would rather have a high quality leather that won’t rip in 1 year, and will last for a long time. Same can be said about everything I buy. I’m a huge fan of high quality.

I wish I could do one credit and one debit card. I have license, pistol permit, gas credit card, other credit card, HSA card, 3 ATM cards, insurance card, and prescription card. My wallet is 2" thick without any money in it :fu:

People should post their age. That would most likely help lol. Something bing would wear (no offense to bing! lol) would be different than something myself or motocross would wear.

And i just leave all my cards in my car (besides debit/credit/anything valuable) unless i am going to that specific store. my cards actually ripped my wallet and now i have to get a new one :(. i was carrying 4 i.d’s, atm, debit, 3 credit, gift cards, dental, health, jims card , electronic store cards, other stupid cards… like 20 of them. completely pointless. Especially since half the time they would fall out if i took some out since my wallet became so stretched out.

edit: the “oooohhh i get dimes because im fancy looking” is bs, sorry.

I scored a dime because of one truly awesome accessory. My master cock. Money doesn’t buy girth. [/thread]

how old do you think i am??? this will be fun.

wore my carbon collar stays today… felt such the badass… chicks knew.

idk. 26 or 27 lol

bing, how much hp do you think you gained?

i’m 25

just turned 28, so i don’t see how a guy in his mid twenties or early 30’s would dress any different.

you’re a hipster aint ya?

The old people on NYSpeed dress classy :lol:

is hipster in canada different than the US? Reference for our rendition