Fashion Thread: Men's Accessories

You guys should come visit… we have a great club you guys would enjoy. “Club Pittsburgh”

Meh, all I’ve learned is this:

Two types of men…

Manly men. Who don’t give a shiz about this stuff.

Metro men. Who spend money “accessorizing”.

manly men work for metro men :wink:

this is an off-topic forum of an automotive board, so theres a logical evolution from ultimate penis extension to smaller more nuanced penis extension.

shockwave, thats a nice little tidbit of knowledge on jigga.

motorcross, the fact that people are actually reading and discussing things in here kinda makes your attitude self-defeating, no?

Wow. All the other comments seemed somewhat reasonable, but not so sure about this one. I’m thinking reality is somewhere between you and Motocross!

I guarantee my principal and superintendent are not metro lol.

Weirdo, you live up to your username. We call it queer sometimes too.

hey man, ive been called gay before. im not gonna take it personal. as long as were being presumptuous ill have you know those types of allegations are usually the product of someone elses jealousy or repressed homosexual tendencies. or they just come from guys with ugly girlfriends and/or abissmal sexual histories.

Weirdo, have you posted a single thing automotively related? Nope. So you signed up on here to talk about wine, male accessories, video games and four loko…lol, k.

thats actually 100% accurate, my dude. but you forgot movies, i just made a film thread. i only log in through the politisuck portal, so politics and off topic are the only parts of the forum ive viewed. lol, gg.

if he walks like a duck talks like a duck acts like a duck?

…then he’s gotta be a turtle.

one of the network mods for this community has ‘Mr GQ’ written under his user name. another of the proprietors of this network started a thread about fashion accessories. and you guys are acting like being interested in cars and other facets of popular culture are mutually exclusive. like gq doesnt have automotive articles, or like your average porsche owner doesnt drink wine with dinner. all these things overlap in very reasonable ways. are your personalities so limited in scope that being a car-guy means you have no interest in anything else? that sounds pretty boring.

meh, let him be. even if he is gay who cares. atleast he is bringing some sort of culture

If some of you guys ever get into legit careers in business this thread will make much more sense to you. Not that I am really that into it at this stage of my life but to think that executive and many other successfull business men(as well as other types) don’t make their presence known by these accessories and watches is foolish.

Go to your nearest top tier country club, walk in, tell them they are all gay.

They will…
Laugh all the way to the bedroom with their hot wives?
Ask you to fetch them a drink?
Yell at charles for letting his special child come to the club again?
Not respond because they don’t speak poor?

im gonna get alot of mileage out of that pic^

sorry but everyone is equal. you can dress the part and impress people you don’t like with the money you don’t have. rich or poor and everything in between everyone is the same to me. just when people bring a fake presence that they are more important than they really are just a pet peeve of mine.

well now you’re just stereotyping