fast & the furious 3 - value of 240's

i know this has been discussed in the past, but how many people actually think the value of our cars will go up after the movie comes out and by how much do you think?

so basically the difference in selling them now (beginning of spring/summer) vs. waiting 2 months for the movie to be out?

Popularity in drifting will probably increase after movie, more demand for the car, you could probably sell it for more than you would now.

If I still have my car then I’ll put OMG-JDM-BBQ stickers on it, paint it lime green and sell for $30g.
Maybe toss some spinnaz on that sucka and NEON lights! err… :? :? :?

the market is fickle, ask Cal or Mike^, they’ve had they’re cars for sale for what, 6+ months…

I think the demand will grow for the less than $1500 hoopty 240’s, and well, the done up ones, will still be hard to sell for anything close to investment value before labour/install…

Well I didn’t really expect the car to sell in the winter, but i have alot of prospective buyers and people coming to take a look now, I’d assume Cal is getting the same thing.

From the previews I see, the 240 isnt used all that much, seems to me the main actors is a S2000 and a 350z

That’s true, but as soon as all the 15yr olds come home from the movie theatre, they’re gonna google “DORIFTOO!” and guess what kinda car is gonna pop up on their screen…

I think most people are blowing things a little outta proportion though. We may see a slight growth in new members, but I don’t think there will be much jump in the value of an S-chassis, no matter what state it’s in.

4 years ago you would be hard pressed to find a 92-95 black civic coupe for under 9 grand.

the same will happen with 240’s.


buy em up now boys

difference being, 92-95 civic’s werent rust buckets then, they still arent now.

s13’s on the other hand were, and are worse now.

it already disguests me seing a 240 going for 3000+ when it’s not worth the gas to fill it’s tank.

it’s a sad day when i can import a car from japan and it cots less than a rusted out s13 here with a KA.

I bought my car for 3 grand in october 2005…now i have put 3 grand into it …so thats 6 grand,… feel after the movie i could seel it for about 8 to 10 grand …so i think the movie will make the cars in much more demand…but…after the hype of it all is over…it wont be worth that anymore.

ppl will just stick with their current cars and try to drift in them… i sure did wen i had a fwd car… alot of civics have become nice ass-dragging cars… look at the states… those ppl drift a civic pretty nice in the video lol

anyways value of our cars WILL go up but not majorly… only thing was was major was initial D and the ae86 chasis… was 400$ bumped to 2gs :slight_smile:

just think about it this way
every cop in the city will know what an SR is, and when you get pulled over, try to argue that it’s legal :wink:

Good point. Now get back to studying.

There’s going to be a civic drifting in the movie and people are gonna start buying more civics to drift, you’re going to see a “240” only in the background shots of some scenes, people are not even going to notice.

Good point. Now get back to studying.[/quote]

I called my insurance company and talked to them about it, they said the give fcuk-all about engines such as the SR and theres nothing wrong with swapping them in as long as they pass etest, yeap.

Just think of what the first one did for the Eclipse… I mean hell before the movie your average joe didn’t know wtf an Mitsubishi Eclipse was. Hell I remember Mitsubishi wasn’t even in Canada at the time, majority of the average car guys out there haven’t even seen a mitsubishi car in Canada let alone a eclipse.

After the movie you started to see people asking how to import one from the states or learn about the eclipse conversion with a talon. There was even a whole dealership specializing in selling eclipses in Toronto “Eclipse Auto” or something along those lines, just because there was a market for them after the movie.

Now as stated the 240sx isn’t the “main” car in the movie so I doubt there will be much change in the market. I mean look at the Initial D examples, the AE86 is the main car. Fast and furious the eclipse was the main car. There were many other extremely nice cars in those movies/shows but they weren’t the main ones. You dont see those other cars getting a crazy bump in price compared to the main cars.

Everyone is just over reacting about how much of a demand there will be for the 240sx.

Totally agree with you.

I don’t think the value of 240’s will increase at all, if anything they are already overpriced.

indeed they are… I’m planing to sell my rust bucket for 1 grand…

Another thing is I’m not about to sell my car because the value went up… I love my car and its fun as shit … you’re all sounding like youre gonna start selling your cars just cause the value went up.
It makes no difference how much my car costs… to me its worth more than its value anyways.

The popularity of the sport will most likey shoot sky high after the movie, which will in turn increase the value of any FR car. but the aftermarket will also grow with this making parts cheaper. so if you already have a 240 and are planning on keeping it your golden. when does the movie come out, fall?

middle of june it comes out I think