Fatal Accident in Schenectady last night???

Has anyone heard about a fatal motorcycle accident in schenectady last night? I was listening to the radio and someone called in to dedicate a song to their son (I believe) who was killed yesterday in a motorcycle accident in Schenectady. She said he was 26…

His name was Eric Boettner.

Didn’t hear about it no

But I know when I was at the DMV yesterday there were about 5 people getting their bike permits.

With the way gas price is going and the fact that people still buy bikes beyond their skill level to learn on I suspect there will be a lot more of these stories in the future.

Damn… RIP

Yeah all I heard was someone on a bike went head on with another vehicle. A couple of the girls at my job here know him and had seen him recently, they were pretty upset about it. The gazette had an article on it, I’d link it but I’m on my phone at work.

Found the link

Curious on the details

Seems like it was someone not paying attention when crossing an intersection.

Seems like a car running a light.

He probably never even saw it coming.


RIP :frowning:

Tons of riders have bikes way too big for them.

Yes and that’s a problem. But on bikes the danger is ever present regardless of what you do as seems as is the case here without knowing exact details such as speeding/alcohol/hooliganism etc.


That sucks…

Intersection is where most accident happens, I’ve made it a religion to make sure I visually check traffic and not to be the first vehicle crossing the intersection on a green light.

Damn RIP

I was thinking last night that its good weather for a night-ride

I could never have the conscience and patience to do that at every light. :eek

It was, until the downpour at least.

Plenty of bikers @ DD on Larkstreet.

my buddy saw them load the guy onto the chopper over near maxon rd.

I was out last night and it was good weather, Kenny (offroadzj) actually texted me before posting this because he knew I was out and he knows I live in Schenectady so he wanted to make sure it wasn’t me!

Got a phone call from my father about this earlier. He worked with his mother. Called me to let me know and to remind me to be careful out there. RIP

Wow, that is sad. My condolences…:‘(:’(


not sure if anyone knows him or not but its definitely unfortunate.