I mean I feel bad for the kid too. dont get me wrong, in the pic you can see the kid with his head in his hands, and I know he will be fucked up for a while. I have compasion for all involved. Its just like watching the stupid asian low speed crash video… motherfuckers dont pay attention to whats going on around them, look farther down the god damn road and this stuff can be avoided. Its a hard decision, what to do for the driver of the car. Half of me says lock him up big time, but the other half says there isnt a right answer to what he should be charged with. His life is ruined in him mind for ever, his family I am sure if crushed too, its just so much pain on everyones plates over something like this, rational thinking says there just isnt a real answer as to what the driver “diserves”. My first post was more from shock this morning hearing about this. now i just dont know.
Thanks friend. “Life is so fucking real.” Thats what I live by, and it is solidified with things like this you know. Everyone be safe out there, and live your life in a way that makes you happy, becasue you never know.