fawk you.... RANT

I love all the “political experts” on this board…

Real Facts:

John Kerry is inept.

George W. Bush is retarded.

Bush Sr and Clinton were both much more qualified.

Partial Birth Abortions are VERY rare procedures which are almost always performed when the situation warrants it (severe fetus defects). Honestly though, I don’t give a fuck… Abortion doctors could have entire Wet-Dry Vacs full of fetuses and I wouldn’t give a shit.

BoostedITR has no idea what the fuck he’s talking about.

Originally posted by ShalerPunk
I love all the “political experts” on this board…

Real Facts:

John Kerry is inept.

George W. Bush is retarded.

Bush Sr and Clinton were both much more qualified.

Partial Birth Abortions are VERY rare procedures which are almost always performed when the situation warrants it (severe fetus defects). Honestly though, I don’t give a fuck… Abortion doctors could have entire Wet-Dry Vacs full of fetuses and I wouldn’t give a shit.

BoostedITR has no idea what the fuck he’s talking about.

your right I forgot I know nothing. you are a chinese delivery drug addict and I am a University student that a citizenship major(social sciences, polit. sciences, history) :rolleyes:

Originally posted by BoostedITR41
your right I forgot I know nothing. you are a chinese delivery drug addict and I am a University student that a citizenship major(social sciences, polit. sciences, history) :rolleyes:

  1. You’re right. You know nothing.

  2. If you did know anything, you’d know that I don’t deliver Chinese food or do any real drugs. I’ve smoked pot two or three times in the past year… I’d say that’s practically Mormonesque to most people.

  3. Majoring in something and being knowledgeable about it aren’t necessarily the same thing. I’m an English major…does that make me an expert in all things related to literature and grammar? No.

edit: Regardless, no matter how much of an ignorant blind rightist you are and/or how much of a bleeding heart pacifist liberal I am, neither of us is going to change the other’s views, so this is pretty fruitless.

I would love to debate you fag…if you don’t care about abortion don’t vote cause that is a major issue in this country. also Democrats want to make partial birth the norm. they want to give the welfare crack heads time to think about if they should keep the baby or not. that baby is alive period. I feel a fetus is living but not all people think that. there is no way you can tell a partial birth baby isn’t alive sorry.

you want me to own you in world politics or just US politics? you pick no matter what you will get folded.

here is a taste for ya:

US: since the early 60’s the US has been in debt and starting with the kennedy admin. were affraid of foreign aggressors(dems) Kennedy started the downfall of this nation. He was liked cause of his age not because he was a good president. after kennedy we had a a decade or so of “blah” presidents other than Nixon which really would have saved the nation other than his watergate fuck up. then came more mediocrity till reagan came along but by that time the country was in the shitter. he fucked up in Lebenon and Iran and should have flattened them back then. Bush senior was a good president that started to bring the economy back with war time work. a fun fact is he put nancy reagans portrait over the mens shitter cause the bushes didn’t like the reagans. then came Clinton controlled by his wife wasting our tax dollars to get head and pretty much being a complete moron. Bush Junior came in again with Clinton and Gore fucking shit up and got the first rally in this country since Nixon after 9/11. he cleaned house in afganistan and iraq period.

Kerry is pretty much a no one. also war losses are not even worth mentioning. in the civil war there were 365,000 losses and all the wars after till the newest iraqi war equaled that. we have lost under 1000 men in iraq compared to the entire iraqi army being anihilated.

Military strategy- ha talk to clinton he was the bright ass that lost men in somalia and then pulled the troops out cause they lost 10-15 men. fuck that kill 15 of us we will kill you all. that is how this country was founded and with out the help of the French at the time and the indians we would still be drinking tea coming from england.

anything else you want me to talk about tool?

Originally posted by BoostedITR41

US: since the early 60’s the US has been in debt and starting with the kennedy admin.

then came more mediocrity till reagan came along but by that time the country was in the shitter.

then came Clinton controlled by his wife wasting our tax dollars to get head and pretty much being a complete moron.

Notice this chart.

The debt started in the late 30s when an economic tragedy knows as the great depression occured it increased more with world war II.

The debt stayed pretty much the same when adjusted for inflation till another economic tragedy in the 80s happened called reaganomics. During the reaganomics period national debt soared.

During the 90s the rise of the debt came under control until the next economic disaster happened called George W. Bush.



dude the debt went down in WW2 cause of industry. talk to a real historian not a debt clock

Originally posted by BoostedITR41
dude the debt went down in WW2 cause of industry.

Dude, you have no idea what you are talking about.

"In 1900 this nation was basically debt free, approximatley 2 billion dollars which is an inconsequential figure, even in those days. In 1929 the debt was 16.9 billion and when the Depression began and World War II occurred the United States under Franklin Delano Roosevelt began true deficit spending. All of those New Deal programs were paid for with money we did not really have. The debt in 1940 ran to 42.9 billion and mushroomed to 258 billion as the nation foughjt World War II. From 1945 through 1961 the debt grew minimally, increasing to only 296 billion in 1961. When one factors in inflation this means the value of the debt declined significantly. Even through the 1960s and 70s which included Vietnam, the space race and the arms race the debt only grew modestly increasing to 789 billion in 1979. This was still a relatively low and manageable amount factoring inflation and growing GNP. Our real debt problems began during the Ronald Reagan administration. In 1981 Reagan passed the Emergency Recovery Tax Act that lowered taxes but increased spending, especially on the military. This basically created an enormous debt. nder the Reagan administration the debt grew from 930 billion in 1980 to 2.6 trillion dollars in 1988. This means the debt grew 300% in eight years after only growing about 150% from 1950 to 1979. In 1997 our national debt reached 5.4 trillion and only during the economic boom during the Clinton administration did it slow. In 1998 the debt was 5.5 trillion, in 1999 it was 5.6 trillion and was the same in 2000. Since the election of George Bush the debt has begun to rise again. In the four years the Bush has been in office, and again cutting taxes while increasing spending, the debt has risen from 5.8 trillion in 2001 to its current high of over 7 trillion dollars. (all figures available at http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/opd/opd.htm#history) "

Interesting. very good post. the US economy got better in WW2 I thought debt got better too…ohhh well either way we are in debt but not close to what other nations are

:slight_smile: that post is accurate but it doesn’t mention that reagan’s spending was during an arms race. we “won” the “cold war” (not really a war so we didn’t really win) b/c of his spending. after a few years of that spending, we were considered the superpower and russia was broke. after the spending luckily we were able to continue to thrive, russia is still feeling the effects of their spending. bottom line is neither party can really ‘win’ in this election since BOTH candidates are FAAAAAARRRRR from the best their party has to offer :frowning:

Originally posted by BoostedITR41

Roland if you ever want to talk politics let me know.