Few minor problems!

Hey guys got accomplished a ton this weekend thanks to my cousin MistahShotta definitely wouldn’t have been able to get what i got done without his expertise.

But we ran into a few snags that are holding us from taking my car out of the garage.

They are:

  1. clutch pedal will not come back up? Its as if the pedal has a spring holding it down wards. You pull the pedal up and let go and it sinks right away:S? Im leaning toward bad pedal assembly, or that the master needs to be adjusted.

  2. Second problem my fpr is leaking. How do i resolve this? New o-ring or can i just use some rtv?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

  1. Sounds like the clutch just needs to be bled properly. If you still have the dampening box installed remove that shit asap, It will make bleeding the clutch so much easier.

  2. Yes, get a new o-ring dont just use RTV. You should be able to source the proper one through nissan.

part source also has O rings for cheap but you’ll need to match up the old one with a close match new one. Doesn’t hurt to buy a bigger one and use some lune when installing.

Um Trevor i dont understand why bleeding would be the case? like its not like everyone elses problem where they pull it up by hand and it stays and then when they push the clutch it goes all the way down. It WONT stay up unless i hold it with my hand there. I even pump the pedal with my hand and still no pressure?