Fighter Jets over GTA

I was outside in the garage this afternoon (~12pm or so) and I heard a really loud airplane sound.

I live like 10min from Pearson Airport so it’s pretty common to hear planes but this was like 10x louder.

I step outside the garage only to see two fighter jets fly by. I wait a bit and I hear the sound again and behind it was another fighter plane.

Anything going on at CNE or something? I know Indy was in town.

The were moving northwest and circled to go back towards CNE area.


They have the fighter jet’s fly over right after the national anthem usually. Probably when you heard them, they fly over a couple times

Yeah I saw and heard them too, I was at the Bramela City Center. Was pretty cool for sure.

Seen some today also, and im in the Niagara area. Must be the air show out on Hamilton mountain area.

Sorry i’ll keep it down next time :wink:

As said before its prob for the Honda Indy.

Saw some on Friday around 6pm… Flew over PUR…

yea dat shit woke me up/…fuck

a friend of mine pictured 3 of them over the niagra river today while he was on a fishing trip. he thought it was odd the way they were flying in a search formation, he said it looked like they were lookin for somethin. btw he did say they looked like US planes

umm it was the honda indy… lol they had the jets fly over before the start of the race…
was loud as hell… so were the indy cars:P

was indeed a sick race… am i the only son member who went?

We were being attacked by terrorists…we were on amber alert that day.

The terrorists are abducting children now? :/:

Yeah they were for the start of the race…the funniest sh*t was they set off every car alarm in the area. It was pretty hilarious!

im at war with them

it was for the indy race in t.o