fill up today


^^ i asked the same thing

and $84 to fill my gas-sipping 8.1 V8. However, since i’ve started working ~50 hours a week, i pretty much have nowhere to go but work and back and lockport and back about 3-4 times a week as well, so that full tank lasts me almost 2 weeks so its not too bad. i like my truck and i dont mind paying the extra for gas because to me its worth it. I also tend not to get upset about gas prices, because there is literally nothing i can do about it so i dont even bother wasting my in getting upset over it.


not getthing that 24mpg liek you thought? ZINGG

i third that on who got a farrari…
2.89 a gal on diesel…
35 gal tank sucks filling up…just think of the extra weight 35 gallons is…