First pwnage thread of 09

Remember kids. Pigs always play in their own shit.

Lol, sucks. Cop gives a fellow enthusiat a break and the kid doesn’t even understand what just happened.

Heh, every time a cop gives me a break I count my losses. I should have got 80 in a 50 a few months ago, cop dropped it to 68 in a 50 (this is getting on to the 410 @ cawthra so it was kind of rediculous pretty much ON the on-ramp…) told me to see the JP who then kept it at 68 in a 50, but I only had to pay $25 with no points.

Some cops fuck you over, some don’t. When they don’t, don’t complain.

you’d think that especially in the GTA police would have better things to occupy there time with than lurkin car forums. it really makes me sick that our hard earned tax dollars are goin to these lazy bastards that sit behind a computer screen all day waiting for the “lets go drive like idiots” threads so they can go hand out a few tickets. are you fucking kidding me? go solve one of the hundreds of thousands of unsolved murders, or rapes, or take down the scum putting guns on our streets, nevermind hiding under overpasses pickin off people doing 20 over or pullin enthusiasts over to give them $100 tickets for there aftermarket mufflers. go solve some “crime” and be apart of making southern ontaio a safe, respectable place to live, instead of adding to the disgust by sitting at tim hotons and wasting ur time handing out bullshit tickets.

/end rant

Sometimes driving like an idiot results in innocent people getting hurt for no reason.

I disagree with your one sided thoughts 100%.

Do you honestly think they sit behind a computer screen all day waiting for this? lol. They do have free time btw… read over matty’s post again.


Mannn pureeee ownage! hahahahaha

That’s ridiculous just because they are an “enthusiast” does not mean they are a safe law abiding driver. And even if a cop is on a forum that is proabaly for the saftey of Ontario considering the fact that like 2 days ago there was someone asking the best roads to drift etc… come on, maybe not all cops are just but overall I’d rather not have these idiots on the street, so if that’s what it takes to get them off then so be it

We wouldn’t need cops if we were all smart enough to understand that laws and rules exist for a reason and that obeying them is in the best interest of everyone. cops don’t waste tax dollars, criminals do. Law abiding citizens don’t have a problem with cops, unless they are breaking the law. Hating cops is like hating your mom, you’ll appreciate them once you grow up.

I’m guessing you haven’t been harassed by any cops lately for stupid reasons like “Noise Pollution” (exhaust), having tint on your car, or just because you drive an import car? That would probably change your opinion a bit.

Dont get me wrong, I’m not saying all cops are shitheads. I have a lot of respect for the police officers who risk their lives everyday, trying to catch murderers, drug dealers, etc. It’s just a lot of the ones that are in traffic patrol or w.e its called seem to have a one-sided mind that anyone who drives an import car, or anyone in general who is young and/or modifies their cars are street racers/drifters/people who run other people off the road/etc.

Having said that, that is why my car is virtually stock outside, and i haven’t got harassed in a while. I used to have a '97 accord with lip kit/slammed/rims (nothing drastic but you could tell it wasn’t stock) and i used to get harassed a lot.

I just think that cops should use more disgression (SP?) before they automatically assume you’re guilty just because of the way your car looks/sounds and your age.

Just my $.02

Thanks for saying what I was going to say. Haymaker is obviously some idiot who thinks he’s above the law. I hate people who think they must hate cops to be cool.

A cop is just like any other civilian when he’s not working…he can go to the race track, go on car forums, etc He’s no different than anyone of us.

The funniest thing about this is that the same people who complain about cops discriminating against us are the ones who hate all cops although there might be some good ones.

I see half you guys get it. When you get into your late 20’s. you will probably personally know more cops, they will be your friends that you now hang out with in your high schools. I have a couple cop friends in this area, and I met a few in college. Yeah, some of them are pricks, but there people too. Just don’t be stupid and there pretty cool to know when you have an issue to deal with.

did i say i was above the law? did i say i hate cops? no i didnt! you need to start reading b4 u go and open ur mouth. i was just clearly stating that if there are cops that are payed to just browse forums than i feel it is a waste of tax dollars. i have gotten a couple bullshit tickets in my day from bored cops but i dont hate them or do i think its “cool” to hate them. i would not be here today if it werent for the officer that pulled me and my mother out of her demolished car after a drunk crossed the line when i was a kid. you son kids seriously gotta learn how to read b4 u go and open ur mouths. i just seriously feel there are hundreds of more serious issues, especially in the gta that police man power should be concentrating on rather than lurking car forums, and i dont mean on there free time, i mean if they are being paid to do so.

*edited…wouldnt want anyone crying over my adult language

get out your flame suits

haymakr, why so serious?

Just a tip, your argument is FAR more credible and valid when you post using intelligence, you know, without the swearing.

And i was about to take you seriously.


And do you know for a fact that he was being paid to lurk on that forum?

EDIT: Oh and did you ever stop to think that you got the tickets because of YOUR own actions? Or do you really believe that you got all those “bullshit” tickets because cops were bored? For fuck sakes, give us all a break before you start saying shit like “you son kids…”

Practice what you preach, speaking of reading before you speak, ok so the original article is that a cop came across a person he pulled over on a forum… You suggest that this cop’s day job consists of lurking forums all day. If you had cared to read others post’s or even the original forums itself, it is clear that the cop has a post count over 1000, logically making him a car enthusiast. Just to make you happy I will present the unlikely opposite side, if this cops job IS to lurk forums all day and get paid then he has posted over 1000 topics on the subject of “waiting for the “lets go drive like idiots” threads so they can go hand out a few tickets.” as you say. That is a hell of a job. Clearly it seems logical to assume the cop is both a auto enthusiast AND a police officer (as some have already proposed) since you whole argument is based on the fact that your tax dollars are going to pay for cops to lurk forums all day… re think what you say, and read first, since by now your whole argument makes no sense if you take into account the fact that the cop may also search a forum in his pleasure time. Think about it, say you sell wheels, and you see a thread about someone looking for wheels… you will be inclined to get involved since it is your business… this person was on the forum… and saw something of interest to their profession. Also… he gave this guy a break. Sorry but you freaked out over not reading properly… so ya

i freaked because Fobwall said:

“Haymaker is obviously some idiot who thinks he’s above the law. I hate people who think they must hate cops to be cool”

none of which is true is true. he doesnt even know me and he’s callin me an idiot? thats what pissed me off. all i was tryin to say is that IF there are cops out there that are being paid as police officers to lurk automotive enthusiast forums i believe its a waste of tax dollars. it wasnt even necessarily directed towards that orlandoforums thread. i was just expressing my opinion about the general topic.