First Speeding ticket and trial in 2 days, any advice?

Hello, I got my first speeding ticket last year and my trial date is Tuesday… I was going at about 103-105 on 400 South (I never intentionally speed) and never knew the limit changes to 80 on the bridge before the Jane exit… I fell for the speed trap and i think the cop reduced my fine to 20 over (i cant find the ticket, I’m wondering if i must have mailed it or given it to someone for the trial request) anyway I told the cop this was my first time ever being pulled over for speeding and he advised me to set a trail date… (seemed like a nice guy other than giving me a ticket -_____- but i understand it was his job and i was in the wrong) I was on my way to pick up my gf from her summer school, but I wasn’t late or rushing i honestly just didn’t know the speed limit changed (I knew it changes to 70 a little up but never knew it went to 80 before that) I actually drove back there later to see for myself (I don’t drive there often)

Anyway I’m sure many of you have experience w/ going to court for these kind of tickets and would like to know if there are any tips or advice you could give me. Right now I just plan to say what i said above and hope for the best :stuck_out_tongue: I drive a S14 and insurance is already high :frowning:

You may not want to admit to speeding, i.e Immediately found guilty for starters.

say you were passing a transport truck and increased speed to do it, 60% of the time, it works all the time.

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t believe people are still making threads about getting tickets.

just wondering if the sing that said 80kph was yellow
i always thought that yellow signs were not dead set speed limits but rather suggestions for turns and stuff?
someone correct me if im wrong

edit: i think u were in a construction zone and thats y the speed limit changed to 80kph

Thanks for the help, i ended up pleading guilty to a lesser fine of 15 over which is 0 points and 45.00 :stuck_out_tongue: but after services fees and some other crap comes to 60… still i was found at 27 over the limit soo im happy about that… I was told today that Toronto cops use Laser guns and not radar so, there is no chance there was an error (your license plate shows up with the speed, which led to my guilty plea)

To Newstar: the sign wasn’t yellow and it wasn’t a construction zone, thats the actual speed limit for maybe 200m until it drops again to 70 before lawrence