
Yeah the most fun I had on that lake was straight across in the thick pads… we were pushing into them with a paddle, and would sit quiet… then spack the boat with the paddle and watch for the pads to move… they were soo thick you could watch the pads move like a little gps path… then stop. You flip/pitch a lizard with no weight just a weedless hook to th pad it stopped under. and pull it off and let it fall slowly into the face of the bass. we hammered them, and caught some big fuckers too. it was like hunting! lol

I know exactly what your talking about…

if you go straight across to where your talking about but go more to the right, theirs the river outlet right there…you can get pretty far back in there but I have caught some 8lb+ bass in there…that lake has HUGE bass and Tiger muskies (if you can hook onto a muskie)

Yeah, I know. I was just bored and found that mildy amusing last night.

i got up early to put a new belt on my boat so i could go fishing, well the belt is a little too big and my boat battery is dead. FML

Oh shiz! That makes for a shitty day lol

me and dfdrocks went fishing in an undisclosed location and caught several large bass, biggest one i caught was ~20".

I might go fishing today, mad bored, and got a little spot on the Mohawk to sit and fish

Went fishing lastnight up in Vischer Ferry by the Power Plant. Caught a 6" small mouth bass using a gulp bait. That stuff works pretty well. I lost a ton of them though due to all the rocks over there though.

I just saw this. :lol
I sure as hell hope I mean my pole, or else all these years I’ve been calling myself a female have been lies. :ahh

Went last night to Collins Lake and caught nothin but weeds lol. Lost 2 lures, and didnt catch anything. Mostly my fault though, didnt bring the boat so we did some shore fishing…

Prolly heading to Duane Lake later today, always good fishin there!


I saw a fishing boat for sale on Aqueduct road in Niskayuna for $800 today. Looks like a small bass boat. Its fiberglass, not a rowboat with a motor.

Went today with the old man for a few hrs(sorry Gatville, JUST saw your message…). We caught 12 fish in total, a bunch of small/large mouth bass, a sun-fish, a crappie, and a catfish. 1st time catching a catfish, those fuckers put up a fight!! Especially on an ultra-light. Id say it was 4-5lbs easily. All in all a good night!

nice man! dont worry bout it, i had to put some time in on the gutlass anyways lol.

Heres some pictures from my vacation to lake ontario. Fishing was kind of slow for most of the week but managed to pull in a 22 pound King Salmon. Also grabbed a decent size brown during the week. All toghether I think we caught about 15 salmon. :thumbup

Sick! ^^

Me and my old man went to Collin today, brought the boat and I caught a pretty healthy largemouth. He caught a WHOPPER Pike. We only had a 24" tape, and it was a little longer than that. Funny thing is it hit about 5-7’ off the boat! Crazy ass fish, 1st one ive seen in person. Actually had to shove my foot in its mouth to get the lure out :lol

holy shit… pics!

I got 2 of it on my phone. Remind me when I see ya, Ill show ya it. Thing felt like it was gonna break the pole clean in 1/2!!

sickkk… i havent been fishing in awhile

Might go tonight behind Secret. If ya know where it is, swing by!