
My ugly stick needs love. :frowning:
Haven’t used it at all yet this year.

im goin trout fishing north of lake george this sat, not sure how much room my uncle’s got in the truck… but would ask if you were interested :slight_smile: better than hangin out w/ a bunch of drunk rednecks and farm whores at country fest.

I went to the Cape 2 weeks back for blue fish, fishing. caught some big ones, 35" 15lb was the biggest one. Those fish are fucking underwater bullets. wicked fun. My father was there last week to and thw water temp warmed up and brought alot more into the cape. they hammered them he said.

I am usually out one a week usually Saratoga, round, Casauna… PM me and ill give you a heads up next time we go and you can hitch a ride.

SSSSSSSSSSSSSMokin… Ill out fish u any day any time! jk. We should have one of those heads up fishing contests like they do that OLN fishin show.

So does mine, wana go out in my boat 2night?

Wait, you ment the fishing pole. :ninja

im down for some fishin i gotta get my liscence thou

I went out Sat morning to Saratoga. Day started like this: Put the boat in the water, and find out my father never emptied the water from inside the hull from when he got back from the cape, I hammer it and it never planes out! return back to trailer, and pull it out of the water and empty out 5 minutes of water from the plug, becasue the builge pump was smoked.

get back on the water, now it runs fine. Pull my first rod out of the storage (St Croix rod and Diawa bait caster combo price tag is over $300 easy and is only about 4 days on the water old) I see the 3rd eyelet is e-taped on! My brother used it at the cape all week last week and broke an eyelet. The handle was bent too. I bent it back and casted a baby 1 minus out, first cast get a hit, set the hook and snap 30Lb braided line… then watch a 30" pike jump out of the water and try to throw my bait. Tie on a brand new Rapala x-rap. This time I get 2 casts out and get a hit, set the hook and snapped off again! Didnt see the fish jump, but it must have been a pickerel or something. Now I am pissed. I tie on a leader and another x-rap. 4 casts later, the fuckign reel lockes up. It has this twitchin bar thing on top and it somehow got jamed down, I must have hit it with my finger while i was reeling it in.

All in 30 minutes.

rest of the day, I caught a few 3lb largemouths on a 6" swimbait off floating weed beds and lilly pads, and the rest were small stupid shit on spiner baits and crawdad baby 1 minus and gold x-raps.

it sucked.

Haha, sometimes ya get days like those…

Anyone down for maybe tomorrow mornin/night?

where to? u gota boat, ill bring the beers?

My father wont let his boat out of his sight… he is anal about it like no other!

Yeah I have 2, one that stays up at my camp(Sacandaga), and a alum fishing boat thats at the house. It would be cool to get a few people out, maybe 2 boats, and have a little drunken fishing competition LOL

F-Yeah. Ill be down, I bet my brother would go too. it would be fun.

let me know when you fools want to go fishing…Adam you got my number.

Yeah, I think we might have better luck setting something up a week ahead of time rather than last minute stuff. Just got my fishing liscence today too!

I say sat morning, round lake. 5 fish limit, min 14".

Smokin you better go and polish your bobbers!

my biggest problem is keeping myself from drinking so much beer that i fall out of the damn boat… lol

lol I dont use bobbers! I know my shit!

Round lake is all about orange/yellow and all white spinner baits and rubber worms setup weedless style to flip it in the lily pad pockets.

I can walk to round lake from my house

Im leaving saturday for 8 days fishing on lake Ontario :excited. 20 pound chinook (king) slamon on average. Coho salmon ,steelhead brown and rainbow trout also in the mix. Should be a great time ill let you know how it goes when i get back.

You lucky fuck!! Have a good time

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Tell your sister I like that thing she does with her tongue

You do realize its a spam poster and they don’t ever actually read what your typing.