Fitness Cheaters chime in

Ok seems like the lazy way of asking this, the older I get the more I seem to drink(work meetings, happy hour with business hours etc.) I work out on an average of 3-4 times a week(in addition to daily pushups/situps when I wake up) and I have a pretty decent body. However, I still have alil of an “ab gut”. This is going to be our last “spring break” and I need to lose any and all fat that I have.

Is there any supplements that will legitimately get rid of this, or help with it? Right now I currently use take soy protein and l-glutemine(spl?).

Do not tell me to stop drinking, I love dark beer and I will not give it up. I typically drink 3-4 beers on an average of at least 3 times a week. I’m assuming that has something to do with my lost cause.

Right now i’m 6’3’’ 204lbs and I would like to cut down just slightly.

Everyone I talk to says the majority of the ones out there are placebos(for the most part) , however I figured I would ask.

take some dianoball.your veins will look like fucking garden hoses

lol Um i wouldnt do that.

Just watch the carbs and try to get in some cardio. Bout it. hydroxicut if u can take em. They made me too jittery.

For SB you don’t want to be too ripped, hos are mad insecure. Too perfect and they’ll think ur gay or something. Gotta represent a lil of a college/party gut.

Word at first I thought afxtc might be a chick. Who the fuck cares about having a six pack? :mamoru: Unless your a fat slob.

I agree with the carbs. You cant take a pill that substitutes working out. I was in the same boat. I love eating out and drinking but needed to lose weight. If you want to drink, then drop carbs somewhere else. Eat breakfast and a later lunch and a very light dinner.

Pills just cause your body to do non normal things anyway you look at it. Also, you stop and you will bloat back up. If you wanna keep your life style, do some physical activity as much as possible even if its one day a week.

I dropped 45 lbs in 6 months simply by eating a breakfast and a later lunch and small dinners. I still drink beer and liquor 2-3 nights a week which can be 5 or more beers but I also cut out soda. Look at 1/2 the stuff you eat. 40g of carbs in a pepsi. 31g in vitamin water. Cut that out or if you are like me and cant keep away, switch to diet. I love diet pepsi and any diet soda or tea. I cant drink regular or it makes me sick now.

I still don’t have a six pack or bulging muscles but I personally don’t want that. Just a flatter stomach, no love handles, and no man boobs which I easily got rid of by doing these things.

Oh and I am not 350 lbs and dropped 45 lbs which is a small percentage of my weight.

I am 6’ 3" and used to be up to 260 and now weigh just over 210.

The soda is a big one. I still enjoy my beer but I did cut my soda down and I rarely have sweets. It all comes down to calories in and calories burned. Either reduce the calories in or increase the calories burned.

In order to reach 4-6 percent body fat properly you have to cut out the alcohol. The alcohol is converted to glycogen by the liver which when not burned will turn to fat and most men tend to collect that fat around their mid section.

shutup, If a girl thinks you’re “gay” just makeout with them, then have sex with them.
ohh and i’m sure you get so many girls calling them “hos” .
You have no idea what you’re talking about but thanks for being the stereotypical retard.

Also I’m actually dating someone right now that I wouldn’t take the chance of ruining by fucking a few 18 yr olds. We’re going purely as a farewell since this will more than likely the last one we go to. It’s time to grow up…
I’m retired I’ve had my fun, trust me on that one.

ha I know Don, well aware but that IS NOT going to happen. Also anyone that knows me personally knows I used to go out 6 nights a week so this is a HUGE improvement to cut down this much.

Gotta do alot of crunches, and run alot. I run 4 miles, daily, 5-6 days a week and do 600-800 crunches a night. Depends on how much time Ive got. On top of that, like they said. Watch food consumption.

When I lift, I use No-Xplode prior to workout (actual lifting, not just running and situps) and basic whey after. With that recipe, Ive lost most of the fat that I had, and have put on 17lbs of muscle the past 8 months. Im 6’1’’ 198.

This is almost the exact douche bag reply I expected from a fggt like you. If you look so good why you worried about a few pounds fatty mcgee? especially if you have a girlfriend . . . are you sure you aren’t gay???:skunk::gay2:

You really need to think before you talk, I want to lose them for my own personal health. The better shape you are in the more energy you have and i’m sure my gf wouldn’t mind either.

Thanks for playing<3

Can you explain to me what “being gay” has anything remotely to do with looking good by the way? There’s no need for that shit…


There is a difference between getting cleaned up and taking care of yourself and being a guy and taking 2 hours to go out in public.

Working out, losing weight, tanning occasionaly, getting a decent hair cut, and buying nice clothes I never undersood how turned gay unless they all took over your life.

Alcohol is not converted to glycogen…if anything its been shown to decrease glycogen synthesis (glucose --> stored form, glycogen), its a toxin… There are some sugar alcohols I think that can be, but not ethanol

Glycogen is the human storage form of glucose, not fat.

I love this stuff so Ill try to help.

To the OP: My formal education is physiology and I’m a CSCS. The best thing to do if youre seriously concerned about spring break(?) is realize that you need to make your caloric expenditure more than your intake.

Upon that you need to consider ‘usable’ caloric intake. If youre training appropriately your body will see carbohydrate as immediate energy or store it as glycogen. Proteins can be transaminated and used for energy, fats obviously can undergo a couple steps and be used for energy too both stored and immediately ingested

Alcohol provides nothing but ‘goggles’ lol.

Better start on your cardio.

Low intensity --> higher percentage lipid metabolism
Moderate–>A mix of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism
High–> more carbohydrate metabolism, that need for IMMEDIATE energy. But for the latter 2 there is typically a higher OVERALL caloric expenditure but again thats dependent on how long the exercise bout is

Thats why people who arent in shape cant work at high intensity without cramping and panting super hard, the need for immediate energy Poorly developed aerobic pathways–>glycogen breakdown(need energy NOW)–lactate accumulation–>cramping, and the body trying to blow off CO2 out of acidosis…Got me still?

Diet, smaller meals(6 or so) spaced throughout the day. The body will allow itself to run at a higher speed when it KNOWS its going to continue to get fuel.

Got it?

Its wild what these threads sometimes…quite entertaining


you already know what the problem is but you don’t want to change it.

that’s like smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, saying you won’t quit, then asking people how to prevent emphysema…

if you want to lose the beer gut, lose the beer. There really isn’t even a basis for argument here.

Trust me I do think before I talk. Did you honestly think nobody would harass you for this thread? Maybe you should edit the first post where you say

This is going to be our last “spring break” and I need to lose any and all fat that I have

to what you said in your last post

I want to lose them for my own personal health.

Now if you would’ve thought before you spoke like you accused me of then I wouldn’t even of posted in here. I would’ve been like “o somebody trying to shed a few pounds” vs “omg what a fggt he wants a six pack for spring break let me bust his balls”

But hey I hope you reach those goals of yours. My advice would be to sign up on a forum dedicated to this shit if your really into it. O and if it does turn out your gay you could just start sucking tons of dick. I’m sure you could shed a few pounds that way sweatin it up. . . .just don’t swallow the cum it has lots of calories.

When I’m out for happy hour I typically drink Mich Ultra, at home I drink Guiness. I don’t have a drinking problem by any means or is it anywhere near enough to effect my overall health. However, that amount of alchohol is apparently enough to keep a slight amount of excess body fat on me.

I also have an underactive thyroid so it is more of a struggle for me to keep the weight off than normal. I was actually up to almost 230 just over a year ago.

Once again think before you type. I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to take pride in my appearance as well as care about my health.

Stay in school, you need it.

How is this being a stereotypical retard? It’s just plain fact? I’m confused.

That’s the best you got ? After I laid it out why you should start fucking thinking first! Your the fucking idiot here. I agree with fact of taking pride in your appearance. I do it too, well sometimes. I never made fun of you for that. I made fun of your homo way of disguising getting healthy with “i need my six pack for the beach”

Don that wasn’t to you, when I was trying to group together the quotes I mis cut/pasted.
