Fitness Cheaters chime in

Im sorry you are right.

It lowers fat metabolism as the body starts metabolizing the alcohol immediately as it is a toxin.

I read the article wrong. Either way need to stop drinking,

Here’s a good article for you to read.

I’ll check it out tomorrow, thanks!!!

If I quit my job I’ll stop drinking, until then it’s sort of essential for my job.

Come on man it’s one thing if I call you gay but do you really have to call me fat? It really hurts my feelings. But you really should get to bed. What if you have wrinkles under your eyes when your on spring break?

Wow bro its so totally impressive that you can harass and put someone down because he wants to be in better shape for whatever reason.

Isn’t it though, toootallly impressive. Like I said once and I’ll say it again I was never putting him down for wanting to be in shape. Why the hell would I? Fuck it’s almost time for my ab lounge workout!

I see why you are I just dont get it. For example I am going to Miami in December and plan to get the abs right for the beach as well. I dont see the issue I guess.

I plan on getting abs for the beach too. :hush: I just would never post that on an automotive forum because I know somebody would bust my balls. I would say if anything “getting into better shape” in my first post like he mentioned halfway down. If “abs for spring break” wasn’t mentioned in the first post I wouldn’t have even posted in here then.

see post 4 by me / his next reply / then me having fun while bored

I ran 8 miles this morning so I look good at the beach :frowning: My feelings are hurt.

Man, what a cocksucker.

I’d offer my advice, but I’ll just keep it to myself in fear of getting slammed by some know it all toolbox.

You still been training? All I have been doing is running really. Only real workouts I have been doing is circuts with pushups, pullups, and abs.

Just cheat and take some clenbutoral+Potassium pills. Use hydroxie cut or lippo 6 on your off days

man i love gaining weight… i fucking eat everything in sight lol

:nono: clenbuterol is damaging to heart tissue.

to answer the OP: I would try a product called Napalm. It is a topical. It works, I’ve used it 3 times. Get a bottle and start applying it 3 weeks before you are go where you are going.

im sure other sites have it cheaper but thats for you to look up :slight_smile:

I may even have some unopened Napalm laying around that i’d let go considerably marked down. Some mix it with clen, but others don’t. If I were to take “fat loss” pills, I’d only feel comfortable taking ones that were non-stimulants. The damage on your organs and especially the heart, is just not worth it. ( and if you wanted to risk your health over physical gains, there are MUCH better ways to do it )

Drew, technically yes, but I was lazy for the better half of a year and have paid dearly for it. Only lately have I started back up, with 60 mins of cardio in the morning and then a simple routine in the evenings, a 3 day split consisting of db snatch/underhand pull-up, flat bench/(rack)dead, squat/overhand pull-up. eventually i’ll add more olympic lifts if i can ever get back to where i was

Wow some of you people fucking blow. God forbid afxtc wants to look good and feel good. Who cares what his reasons are.

Here’s a little anecdote for all the haters: They say that even a little spare tire is an indicator that your organs are getting packed in visceral fat. A couple of weeks ago I went to visit my sister in law at Harvard Medical and she showed me the cadavers they’re disecting in her anatomy class. Sure as shit, one of them had some belly fat, and there was yellow gobs of fat all around all of the organs. Scared me into going back to the gym and eating better. I’ve been to the gym more in the last 2 weeks than I have in the last 6 months.

So here’s my question, from a high level what should I be doing if I’m more interested in burning the little bit of belly I have than getting big? If I have to I will, but since I’m just starting to try and develop good habits I’m not really interested in getting super technical and taking various supplements. Whey is fine if it’ll help? Should I be doing more cardio than weight lifting? Slow and long or hard and fast? :mamoru: Heavy weights and low reps or vice versa? I’m about 5’11" 195#, not fat at all but a little bit of a spare tire, if it matters…

Obviously I’m eating less food more often, trying to keep carbs to a minimum and sugars all but nonexistent.

Sureshot don’t hold back. If guys like bamferdeuce keep talking shit in a thread about people trying to better themselves I’ll just ban his hater ass.

I cleaned up the thread. Yes its off topic, but we dont need the personal attacks. This is a community.

Myself I’ve been hitting the gym 5-6 days a week for the past 1.5 months or so, focusing on low heart rate cardio, then about 20-30 mins of abs when I get home. Before that, it was shorter sessions, and only ~2 days a week.

I’ve seen some good results, but I’m no where near where I want to be. I’ve even cut way back on drinking :frowning:


No one suggested coke yet?

It’s all about diet really.

There were multiple studies done that provided conclusive results that might give you some insight:

A trial group of healthy men were split in half. The first half ate 2500 calories and did enough cardio daily to burn 1000 calories. the second half only ate 1500 calories daily and didn’t exercise. At the end of the trial, which i think was a month or 3 months, but groups of men had lost generally the same amount of weight. Of course one group had better vo2 levels, but the study wasn’t focused on general health, but instead simply body weight.

Honestly, there is just so much to say about this topic, I don’t really know where to begin.

If you really are deadset on losing the weight and improving your health, do this routine a few times a week… everyday if you are man enough. it will strip your stomach bare, no question. Ignore the cheesy pictures and gimmicky advertising… surprisingly it’s very legit. It always makes me barf… but that’s because when I did it I held nothing back. If you cheap out on it, you’ll never get the results. But then again, why would you be entitled to results you didn’t earn? Guerrilla Cardio

edit: I just reread the PDF. Man is it gay and corny. But, as aforementioned, the routine is legit.

pm’ed. Ill take it off your hands