Fixed the STi transmission. Pics on post 130.

Glad to hear it! Ride time? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats awesome. Some lucky bastard would have rebuilt your tranny somewhere for like $150. Now put the rest of the $ into other things on the STI.


I’m holding my breath till I hear you drove it, but thats pretty impressive of a fix if thats the case. My head would have exploded in an attempt to comprehend whats going on and whats wrong.

When you put it back in, make sure you attach the reverse lockout. :smiley:

Good times, so i take it you found an equivalent to the threebond 1215?

well thats dam good it didn’t end up costing you thousands

easy fix ftw

i did not!

:frowning: I didn’t work on it at all last night.

i ordered some, if you cant find any by tuesday i’ll have some in!

Are you refering to what looks like a little piece of metal on the tooth in the last pic of the bunch positioned right before 12 o’clock? Then again at about 2 it looks like another ever so slight nick? Or, are my eyes starting to fail me in my old age?

Yeah, thats what I was thinking, some of them are more prevelant than others.


That’s pretty cool if it works and assuming you remember how it all goes back together. I’m going to laugh if as you’re cleaning up your shop after putting everything back in and you find a “mystery part”. In fact, if I knew where you lived I’d probably sneak in and toss some random gear on the floor. :slight_smile:


everything i take off is placed into sequentially numbered bags.

My only hiccup was if you have the gear stacks on their side like i did, the layshaft (the gears not connected to the input shaft) can slide forward about an eighth of an inch. There is a shim/thrust bearing race that can (and did) actually become dislodged and move off axis underneath the 6th gear, but you can’t see it. I only noticed it when i was putting the oil pump cover/bearing retainer back on and the shims were causing the input shaft bearing to sit about 1/32 too high.

I had to pull it all back apart. But I’ll never make THAT mistake again.

It’s going in the car tonight. When i pulled it out, i was unable to get it in reverse by pulling on the linkage. Now i can, and i verified full engagement through the oil pan. The problem should be solved. :slight_smile:

Very cool man. There’s a lot of stuff I’ll tackle myself but cracking open a transmission isn’t one of them.

It’s really not bad. I’ve taken a few apart before. It’s just important to do it very methodically. I also took about 60 pictures of the disassembly.

I feel like anything that i take apart, i can reassemble.

I’m generally the same way. My fear on a transmission is that as I’m splitting the case I do it “wrong side up” and a big pile of parts spills out onto the floor before I can document how they go.

When I blew that trans in the Fiero and just slapped in a $75 used one I was going to pull the old one apart just as a learning experience but ended up giving it away.

This was my third MT i’ve pulled apart. They all went together more or less the same way, and it would be hard to have the situation you describe occur. I figure… what do i have to lose… right?

^ werd… its already done blowed up… worst case you buy a nother trannsmissun.

kudos to you for doing it yourself :tup:

I would never have the balls to open my transmission. Seems like too much can go wrong if you get careless on dis/re-assembly.


we’ll see if this is all a moot point when i put it back in the car tonight.