Flag burning ban shot down again.Can you guess how Hilary voted?

Why is it that any time there is a disagreement about a controversial topic it comes down to why cant i call a black guy a n*r or why cant i wear swaztikas to show my conviction, in all reality you can, you will most likely offend people and put yourself in a very unfortunate position, its not the word or symbol that its the principal that you are knowingly saying somethin that is deemed hurtful in ways that you may not understand, this being said i will never burn a flag but you cant not make it illegal becuase it is the same instance as making a racially charged statement, its not illegal to do so but flag burning is as offensive to some as me being called a nir so if you are constitutionally protected to say or do things that are knowingly very hurtful to others it is only fair to allow others those exact same right.

(this is in no way directed at any one person just my own opinion on the subject)