Flag burning ban shot down again.Can you guess how Hilary voted?

Isolated, I agree but you cannot see it that way in this case… Like James said, if this gets passed, then it’s something else and something else that they are limiting your freedom on until you cannot criticize your govermnet at all.

Nope. People get hurt/offended when you disagree with what they believe, especially when you do it publicly to make your disagreement known.

c’est la vie

shot in the dark here, but i am guessing you are accusing the chippasshat of supporting evil corporations that have horrible labor practices and no safety concerns whatsoever. the ones that make those stupid beer shirts and lame polos to be worn collar up.

*oh BTW a lot

yup, that’s why all this phone tapping shit pisses me off. “oh, we’re only doing to stop terrorism.” next thing you know, they’ll be monitoring calls for crime, then minor crime, then the gov. will be listening in for anything. they could be listening in on statements you make and fuck with you.

you take away one person’s rights and you take them away from us all.


Look a few posts higher. He’s talking about the dude in the American flag shirt.



What’s the second picture?



i never ever wanted to burn flag, the day they make it illegal i will burn two


+1 Here’s why:

Jufer, 57, changed his plea and admitted five counts of lèse-majesté, or insulting the monarchy, at a hearing in Chiang Mai two weeks ago. He faced a maximum sentence of 75 years in prison.


i never ever wanted to burn flag, the day they make it illegal i will burn two



[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:4,topic:13890"”]

The flag stands for freedom. The freedom to express your views that do not cause harm to others. One of those freedoms is to burn that symbol.

Why not arrest them for fire code violations?


hahahahahaha I agree with Jeremy. You are always soo logical. :slight_smile:




pol pot makes hitler look like nothing

Why is it that any time there is a disagreement about a controversial topic it comes down to why cant i call a black guy a n*r or why cant i wear swaztikas to show my conviction, in all reality you can, you will most likely offend people and put yourself in a very unfortunate position, its not the word or symbol that its the principal that you are knowingly saying somethin that is deemed hurtful in ways that you may not understand, this being said i will never burn a flag but you cant not make it illegal becuase it is the same instance as making a racially charged statement, its not illegal to do so but flag burning is as offensive to some as me being called a nir so if you are constitutionally protected to say or do things that are knowingly very hurtful to others it is only fair to allow others those exact same right.

(this is in no way directed at any one person just my own opinion on the subject)

I throw the flag in the trash, like other trash. Its a goddamn piece of cloth made in China by sweatshop workers. BTW free speech ends once you put your hands on someone, so if they’re burning a flag and you hit them…fuck you.


when you need to destroy a flag you cut the stars out and lay them on the stripes, then you fold it up and burn it, with all the respect you would give a human during burrial. And if someoen burns a flag in any other fashion, i will beat them to within an inch of thier life. Not directed at anyone here ~~~> The airlines fly international flights every day, if you don’t like this country then fukin leave you piece of flag burning shit, cause i had friends die in the name of that flag, while your hippy tree hugging bra burning wanabe ass was suckin off the tit of this country, enjoy it or i’ll show you what an angry american looks like.


While I do not agree with burning flags… Our ancestors died for the the FREEDOM that our flag represents. That freedom allows one to burn that same flag without prosecution.

Punishing someone who burns a flag would be against everything that the flag stands for, as much as you or I may hate to see it happen.

this argument seems so cut and dry for me it is silly

i have seen this trick in person, and and even longer better speech.

people who burn the flag suck. just like people who are for abortion.

the point is (i know alot of people have said it already) living here gives you the privelage (some argue the word right) to do what you want to express your beliefs. as long as they dont harm anyone else go at it.

as tasteless as burning the flag seems to be if you are severely patriotic…you have to realize it is the most expressive way to be just that. in a way it is the biggest compliment to the symbol that our country holds so dear.

and some people just need to lighten the fuck up. and kill more babies in the womb. yes, i am kidding about both abortion comments. no i do not eat babies.

lafengas does

most of the hardcore nazi, real skin kids I know are are not smarter than your average bro. they have that wonderful strength in numbers, weakness in mind blind group mentality. Go to some shows in Atl and you will change your mind real quickly.

a little off topic but i would eat a newborn baby alive for half a million dollars. would you?

also this thread makes me want to come to some of your homes and burn flags. and crosses at your house JEG.

We should have a Poll- How many people are from the north, and how many people are from the south

(sorry, couldn’t help it)

JoesTypeS - :tup:


There are people that do that.


Ha, this reminds me. Yesterday on lunch I was standing in line behind the guy who had a t-shirt on that had big USMC logo in the middle flanked by SS/lightning bolt on one side and SS scull on the other… I wonder if USMC would approve but hey - freedom of speech.