Flag burning ban shot down again.Can you guess how Hilary voted?

Umm. yeah…freedom of speach. ok, yes I agree in a way. They have the right to burn the flag. Just as I have the right to scream ni**er where/whenever I want. Does that make it appropriate, no. Will I get my ass kicked for doing it, yes. I believe people have every right to burn the flag. That does not mean I will not beat their ass for doing it. I take it as a slap in the face and a degradation to the sacrifices that millions of people have made so that we can live in this great country. I firmly believe if you support flag burning as a way of getting your point across, you should be beat to shit also.

I am totally shocked that more people wouldn’t support this.I bet if I put Nazi flags all over my vehicles and property,before long I would have someone at my door.Mr FBI would probably want to visit,the news would be all over it.I’d put money on that and that would be free speech right.

You have every right to do so. But just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Its times like these I think of the great philosopher “uncle Ben”…“With great power, comes great responsability”. Yes we have freedom of speach which is a wonderful thing. But it is also our responsability to wach what we say/do and not take it overboard.

a whole lolt of red-neck in this thread…

meh…I live in Akron lol.

There are people that do that.

Freedom isn’t warm and fuzzy all the time.

Voltair said it best: “I disapprove of what you have to say. but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

That is what men and women have fought and died for, that is what the flag represents.

I agree 100%. It is difficult when you feel strongly about something that you know in your own moral heart is wrong but gets protected by our first amendment rights.

lol im pretty sure you wouldent make it that far… hahahahah

Yup, nothing like having free speech as long as it’s politically correct.Not that I would fly nazi flags or anything like that.

the idea of banning flag burning is insane, while it may irratate you, chances are you irratate me, but, it harms no one, so i can’t see a good reason to make it illegal…

and i would not have a problem with a person who decorated anything with nazi paraphanalia, i don’t support it, but chances are, i wouldn’t be even remotely offended.

In fact, if there was a situation where i had to kill one person and it was between some dude wearing a shirt that said something like “beer, getting ugly people laid since 04” with flip flops on and a guy with swastika tattoos, i would totally end the chippewa dude. The swastika guy might be interesting.

Genocide of Jews over some frat-Boy popped color asshat?

I like people with convictions. The nazi guy probably has some personality or is at least interesting. The other guy would probably be doing the arsinio hall dog pound thing while hooting at some sluts.

From that point of view, I can agree with you but the underlining issue for me at least is that the nazi tattoo guy still decks himself in the symbols of a regime that killed LOTS of jews; that tips the scale over personality…

well what about that guy up there that’s wearing a shirt that supports a regime responsible for killing ALOT of everyones.

Whom are you referring to?

Our country and our government is constantly changing, adapting, and evolving. That’s why the constitution can be ammended. That’s why your freedom to demonstrate against the government needs to be protected. What if some serious corruption overtook the white house? (Please no cynical comments about how it already has.) But they banned flag burning, and then protesting, and then suddenly the government is fucked and you’re not allowed to speak out against it… One of the greatest freedoms in this country is that you’re allowed to publicly disagree with the government.

Bingo!! Nicely put! :tup:

While I agree w/ that why do you have to Burn a flag which means so much to some people?Isn’t there any other way to protest or show anger,without hurting upsetting people for now reason other then to try and make your point?

*protesters do have a way of hurting and/or upsetting people…

that’s the nature of being a protester

EDIT: or newman, for that matter :tup:

EDIT2: totally with bikerfry on this one, i wasn’t expecting a really good post to come up in here but WHAP