Flag burning ban shot down again.Can you guess how Hilary voted?

No. That is a historical artifact.

Then do it in a way that does make you look like an ignorant hick.

I wasn’t talking about you, I was talking about why this issue was brought up in congress.

this is a very newman-ish response. you would do something not because u want to or think it’s right, but instead just to piss people off.

i think burning the flag is just disrespectful, to the nation one lives in and the soldiers who protect it. if people can’t get their message across without such a stupid display of symbolism, maybe the message isn’t exactly a popular one or just doesn’t want to be heard.

If you delete everything of what you said except for what I quoted… It looks EXACTLY like you are talking about…


eat a dick. how does my statement make me look like an ignorant hick? im not in the mood for a pissing match, so if you have any other stupid comments towards me pm me with them or if you’d like to meet me we can set up a time and place to discuss what an ignorant hick i look like.

No, because he’s violating the rules of his workplace.

If you want to stop flag burning, make flags out of fire resistant material.

I can think of no greater symbol of exactly how great America is than a citizen burning an American flag. I can also think of no greater symbol of the dangers to American freedom than an amendment to the constitution to ban that act.

The fact that as an American citizen you can, without risk of imprisonment, burn the flag of your country in protest to your government is a testament that we as a nation believe in freedom so much we are willing to allow such an act to take place.

But more to the point - this is a political BS vote. There’s no outbreak of flag burnings going on across the country. It’s a cheap and easy way to make an attack ad. “My opponent voted for flag burning” there 5 seconds, but it takes more than a 5 second sound clip to make those who oppose burning the flag on a legal level understand just how important the right to burn that flag is.

Because something isn’t popular or people don’t want to hear it is sometimes what makes it so important.

lol couldnt agree more

im gonna burn a flag on the fourth of july and post the vid so you guys can cry.

boohoo preview.

at any rate, i can’t really see why you would care what someone else chooses to do with a flag that they own.

I don’t have time to explain why useing a huge font and making a useless statement when everyone else is explianing thier points makes you look ignorant.

lol. <3

Don’t you dare start agreeing with me! :stuck_out_tongue:


Just want to make sure this gets seen, because it is spot on the truth of this matter.

PS- Shocking to just see that periods really aren’t round afterall.

Who is protecting NAMBLA?

:word: I just looked up what NAMBLA is and as it turns out, there are laws against what they believe. :gotme:

The way I see it. they have the “freedom” to burn the flag and protest. I have the “freedom” to stomp a mudhole in their ass.

Well, you’re wrong.

Thats your opinion. So you are saying if you saw someone protesting and burning an American flag you would stand there and applaud them? Perhaps you don’t, but I take great offence to that. I love this country very much. To think that poeple would degrade the symbol that this country stands for disgusts me. If they don’t like it they can gtfo and find somewhere better…if their is such a place. The flag is not the symbol of the government, it is the symbol of all we have faught for to have this great country. It belongs to the people. Burning the flag is like a slap in the face to real Americans.

People have the LEGAL right to burn a flag…you DO NOT have the legal right to assult them smart guy.

It has nothing to do with opinion.

Isn’t this desecration of the flag also?
