Flag burning ban shot down again.Can you guess how Hilary voted?


when you need to destroy a flag you cut the stars out and lay them on the stripes, then you fold it up and burn it, with all the respect you would give a human during burrial. And if someoen burns a flag in any other fashion, i will beat them to within an inch of thier life. Not directed at anyone here ~~~> The airlines fly international flights every day, if you don’t like this country then fukin leave you piece of flag burning shit, cause i had friends die in the name of that flag, while your hippy tree hugging bra burning wanabe ass was suckin off the tit of this country, enjoy it or i’ll show you what an angry american looks like.


While I do not agree with burning flags… Our ancestors died for the the FREEDOM that our flag represents. That freedom allows one to burn that same flag without prosecution.

Punishing someone who burns a flag would be against everything that the flag stands for, as much as you or I may hate to see it happen.