Flatscreen TV Thread (Title changed)

ok, as far as tv selection goes

if your gonna hang the tv on the wall you have two choices, plasma or LCD

plasma televisions do better in bright rooms because of the way they create the picture, its a direct view technology so you are seeing the light created directly by the television, so while you will get some glare from the screen itself, you still will be able to see the picture like a tube

plasma is only available in 37+ so thats something to consider

plasma also has a higher contrast ratio then LCD on average so u will see deeper blacks and more vivid colors

now some people will say plasma can burn in, and that is correct but every new telecvision has built in anti burn in technology which can be anything from pixel shifting to a full blow static image detector. But with the average panel life being 45K-60K hours you need to really abuse a tv to burn an image in

for LCD, LCD panels have a higher resolution then plasmas so if your gonna sit close to the television most people wont report eyestrain at closer distances due to the resolution and the somewhat softer light coming from the panel

in brightly lit rooms however direct sunlight will cancel out the image on the screen making it impossible to view (ever taken a laptop outside? same thing)

ok… now lets say ur gonna go table top

personally i like samsung DLP for microdisplay technology

DLP has the best contrast ratio, the fastest refresh rates and really accurate colors

LCD projection is ok, but its more of a budget minded product now, and most manufacturers are using it as an entry level product

SXRD or LCOS is also ok, but doesnt offer the same refresh rates or blacks as DLP or the Pixel fill rate (how close the pixels are together, meaning the screen door effect is lessened)

recommended viewing distance for a tv is 2x the size of the tv is the best distannce to sit… so for example a 50" tv u shoudl sit 100" away

the A10’s are LONG gone… been replaced by S2000 models (yea thats right)

which arent bad for the price, but u can get a DLP for the same from samsung that will look ebtter on games and dark movies or white backrouds like clouds, where the screen door effect in LCD projection becomes more evident

stay away from Lcd projection (slow refresh rates, bad screen door effect)

manufacturers are using LCD projection as a gateway to the microdisplay market and almost every manu that uses LCD projection has a higher model that uses something else, that should tell you something

in microdisplay:
sony= SXRD and LCD projection
hitachi = LCD projection and LCOS
mitsubishi= DLP
toshiba= DLP
JVC= LCOS (same as SXRD just a proprietary name, but it was JVC’s first)

Viper, Do you wear a pocket protector when you work? :lol:

j/k, I know the better salesman should know their industry.

yea… i liked knowing my busniness

oh well its behind me now… quit 3 months ago but i still enjoy helping people

I never read a post from some one that was so full of himself and thinks he knows what he is talking about. Have you ever actually ran a candance test disc in youe source?? Have you had both your source and display properly calibrated to compliment eachother

really and what do you so wisely recommend. this is from personal expierence, from high end AV stores and all around general recomendations from real AV sites, audiogon and videogon. These are people that spend 30-50,000 on a single mono block. Talk to me when you pay more for an integrated dual monoblock setup than a plasma and you are spending about $150 a meter for HDMI cables to get the best out of what you have. Pioneer Dv-79AVi is a standard in the industry. Its one of the most affordable standards too. IT has a great transport, both audio and visual, burr brown dac is a plus. There are few people that have transformed the boards and the drive and made it an HD-DVD player. ofcourse that costs more than outright buying a dedicated HD-DVD player, but people like this so much they have down everything to keep the audio transport/dac. The only way I would consider DLP, although good price/picture quality ratio is a projector. Rear projection DLPs are meh.

I have a used 42" Fujitsu for sale…

… and you have a PM :wink:

rosa’s got some good prices