focusinprogress is a free man

January 29, 1986


motion to change thread title

Re: false advertising

suggested change: “focusinprogress is letting this shit drag out something fierce”

^sorry guys. im a newb at this breakup stuff, this is my 5th g/f only. lol.

didnt mean to disappoint joestypes

Fuckin A Bubba. Just get it done.

You gotta do it in person or she won’t have closure and she’ll stalk you to get it.

Just do it in person. Be honest. When she flips out just take your medicine like a man. When the dust settles it’ll be done and you’ll both be OK.

5th GF by the age of 20… sounds like you had some serious worthwhile relationships

imagine how bad you’d feel if she killed herself cause she cares so much about you


but seriously

OMFG those are the best fucking calls ever…“i’m crying my eyes out in a bar, thinking about how much i need to be with you… I have marks on my wrists from my keys and i just want them to cut them wide open”

scary shit… but i hope normal girls ( or even crazy in your case) don’t do that

Did you do it? Don’t leave us hanging. I want to hear the rest of the story.


what’s good

EDIT: that is Not her ass

is that her ass in his avatar? if it is i see why hes still there with her.

Dude,I’ll take her off your hands.

What are you asking? Trades accepted?
jesse FTW!!

ahahahaha sorry nick i couldnt resist

any updates? you get this done yet, or do you still have a pussy?

Must hear an update!

you could always just kill her :shrug:

its fucking done!!!



yeah, basically yesterday i finally got over there and dropped off her bag and told her how i felt. it was hard at first but once things got rolling it was pretty easy to just blow off the crying and begging for another chance. for like half an hour she just kept saying “just give me a week to see how much ive changed, ive been talking to my friends and realize ive been acting childish and need to let you do your thing. just PLEASE just give me another chance” so then i finally threw the “i just dont have those feelings for you anymore, they are dead. im sorry they just are” and she replied with “how could you say that” and then i just said i had to go and got the fuck outta there while she sat and cried. so i immediatly called friends, went out, got crunk to celebrate my new found singleness/happiness. and proceeded to get laid. and it was great. yes. it was great. now im hungover and have to get my ass to work. thank you NYspeed lol. see more of you out at the meets now that im not on a leash


u bang the ex ?

break up sex is the best …

^^^ :snky: on teh sex lol.

::this thread is worthless without pics of psycho crying after “they are dead” comment::

no real pics, but something to this effect.

insert “how could you say that” into the open mouth