For the two N's splitting lanes on the thruway west bound at rush hour today...

Again, how so. I wasnt going to open my door, wasnt going to cross the lines, wasnt going to crank it out across 2 lanes and not signal… just close the gap a little between me and the part of my lane he wanted to use. If they are still walking, knocks my teeth out, I will be suing the living shit out of them.

Follows me home and enters my property, is trespassing, confronting me is harassment, threatening harm is aggravated harassment, hitting me is felony aggravated assault, killing me is murder. The last one would suck. you are right. Thats also why i am the smarter person. I would be calling the cops WHILE I am still driving safe in my car. Thats why I have guns on my property. Smart people think ahead, dumb people shoot from the cuff.