for those who think it's safe

they did it on their own, i didnt get them too

and no we watched the movie on the third ones forehead

it was in widescreen

Damn within the same minute too.

Fuck I am good.


1 for 6, i rap… tho i havent had a myspace very long… was never really into posting music on the web, until a few friends suggested it.

as far as A, i hate myspace mostly.

C these chicks requested me, i actly knew some of them before i made a myspace.

D, recording on a dell would suck worse then recording otuside the studio, ive done a few non studio tracks. the quality shows.

E + f… i dont have to request signs as forementioned, they get sent to me, in messages like “put this on your page”

Fuck, I am on fire tonight.
First OT and then here.

Myspace link?

edit_ Nevermind I found it. I wish i had sound right now. Stupid sound card shitting out on me.


i think i already posted a pic of me in another thread, i dunno.

Love the quote, i wish you would have done it in a nice photoshop font , so i could put it as my default

Why do you have a chin strap holding on your baseball hat?

this thread is all over the place

lol what??

No I do not “make music” I meant girls that i’ve gone out with/hooked up with.
which is the reason I put parenthesis around the word fans.

BTW what do you consider “making music”
if you can beatbox that would be really cool, if you try and talk really fast about the big rims you don’t have and the tv’s you once saw in an suv that isn’t considered music.

I amz the albinoz pa rappa da rappa cuz ma eyez iz redz I say MALI you say BOO ma mom uses balleeeottchhh

No rim talk or anything like that.

Actually listen to “I dont want you”

Its about the girls who want Love and all the relationship stuff, and all you wanted was to fuck.

and now they wont get off your dick, calling you every 15 minutes.

its holding my hair on the top of my head

the hats just over it ahahahaha

i kinda look like this in that picture

Jaegerbombs, bro.

thanks that made me laugh for a solid 25 minutes.

LOL @ rapper from Sanborn.

completely irrelevant to him, but… there is now green tea all over my laptop lol

I was in White Plains the other night just outside of NYC group of the typical “guido” walked in. First words out of the one guys mouth was " yo you" to the bartender and then “jagerbombs bro”

then he offered me one, so sure all I Was thinking was I definately just watched you on youtube but fuck it thanks for the shot.

and all them girls are ugly as FUCCKKKKKK that sux

we went over this, im not from sanborn, never lived there.

im from niagara falls.

which is probably worse, lived in niagara falls my whole life, which is even more worse

my location says sanborn because my shipping address is set to my uncles house in sanborn… so i set my forum location to sanborn, so it dosent confuse people.

when the house sold on 30th n falls in 2005… i moved around alot, so i needed a solid address for shipping parts.

For times when i was in corpus christi texas, or staying in the motel that the picture you guys quoted was taken in.

14304 FTW.

even tho a rapper from sanborn reminds me of paul wall ahahaha

dont have to let em back stage, security FTW

and thier money all spends the same.


you cant help who listens to your music.

AFAIK all them girls are legal, but it wouldnt matter anyways.

theyre in states scattered amongst the country.

Edit / i seen dateline once, who would honestly meet a person first day on the internet, then drive to thier house for sex.


half the time you cant even drive to an ex girlfriends house for sex.

that shit is comedy.