for those who think it's safe

its a play on words

your in - urine.

but ofcourse you wouldnt catch it.

back to your real life:retard:

In my last life I was an Australian red-back spider. Not only were my ancestors living with criminals every day, but not only is my poison enough to make you wish you were biting your own testicles with the force of a dozen cows falling from a trampoline after jumping off of a house, but I am watching you right now. My dream is your worst nightmare, I’ve been around for a while and I’ve seen plenty of faggots like you, you’re all the same. All of you faggots want to be recognized because you’re good at making fun of people over the internet, but one of these days I’ll find you making some chicken gumbo at your house and you’ll get to find out what the true meaning of balls in the ass is.

my “real” life is really quite awesome.
I make awesome money, I love my job and my GF is incredibly beautiful.

thanks for letting me know I can now go back to it.

you really are quite entertaining btw

Whatever happened to just passing someone and giving them the finger?

where do you find this stuff?:biglaugh:

thats why im here

last time i did that, he pulled me over and gave me a ticket

lol, touche


BTW this has happened to me before lol:rubicant:

It turned out to be one of my old roommates brother, no ticket he just laughed and admitted he was driving like an asshole.

Coveted hilton…is that really your girlfriend?

please refer to

? am i the only one that read this??? i’m pretty confused to where this came from.

Might be, might not be

I’m not worried.

if it is, im obviously not complaining
if it isnt, it still got the site jumping didnt it?

maybe it was just one of my fans?

Who knows?

theres more entertainment.

Personally I’d NEVER post a picture of my girlfriend on the internet…especially NYSPEED.

I’d post pics of my ex’s though fo sho

please see

ahahahaah you dont get to choose your Fan’s


but the ones you post publicly?
few people on here know me personally, those are the ones that have seen my “fans”

wow I can’t sleep yet… and I need to be up at 7 =/

you openly admitted that was your “gf” and that she was 17…

Congrats, you’ve gotten a handful of disgusting adolescent boys to send you webcam pictures holding up signs. Did the first one invite you over to his house to watch a movie on his forehead?

you make music too?

thats chill, props to another artist who likes cars and not just big rims.

I’m going to throw this out there. I’m feeling on tonight.

Here we go:

You are either
A. On myspace way too much.
B. Some sort of ‘musician’ on myspace or other website.
- I would go with horrible indy. Unfortunate.
- But, by your grammar and spelling i would say you ‘rap.’
C. So these chicks get requested by you.
D. Lack proper judgment. And hear your Dell recorded ‘tracks.’
E. Give in to your numerous request to send pics with your name.
F. You now have ‘fans.’

How am I doing? :redface: