Forums is SRS BZNS (split)

So fine, I’ll bite what recent change would you like me to undo exactly?

oh boy … just let it go guys , really . richie i have been banned for numerous things . language , posting pics of trav nailing bacne chick " wich i havent done lately hmmmm" racial slang , anti homo slang etc

nothn just dont try to be errrvybodys guardian, if shit hits the fan and ppl argue(regardless of the topic they are arguing over, personal or not), then let them. i think its what this site thrives on and keeps ppl loggin on! wen ppl get into it i looooove logging on and seeing what the progession has been since i have been off! hense you and i arguing lol im not mad atall im actually havn fun busting balls as i hope you are lmao

lol and theirs nothing wrong with this:rofl

i agree , butttttt it is his site man


go scratch your ear richard


Arguing is encouraged when people act like adults and actually try to make their points ala debate style.

But when I have to scroll through pages of endless name calling and threats of how one will beat the other one up as if it’s grade school nobody wants to read that. And remember people have called the cops on actions and threats of other members here in the past when it escalated out of style.

48/2(12) good argument thread
Suicide thread also a good argument

But I can bring up 200 more that weren’t.

Useless name calling and bickering and threads is only interesting to read to one or two parties and a waste of space on the forums for everyone else. Hence why those threads get thrown in the trashbin.


you guys are all poopy heads

PJB getting loud.

what do you mean noone wants to read that?!?!?! Thats what makes shift FUN.

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What’s changed since I first signed up, and gotten alot worse in the last few months:

- way to srs, overall just too serious… the ONLY ATTRACTION to this place is that its so laid back and chill and u can do w/e the fuck u want and say it how you want to

BANS? - bans are stupid as FAWK and make everything worse, if you cant handle a situation and have to ban someone …9/10 times thats the wrong choice. I remember when people like k20 / tdi pete / gatville / delucia / slomarro / and WAY MORE got banned… these are regular dudes lololol … you won’t agree but im telling you thats the wrong way to do shit.

I could of handled every situation way better without a ban

Rules will be rules and they need to be there for the politics, when shit gets WAY crazy then you need the rules to fall back onto, its like a yellow line in the road. With the way shit has been going lately its like if you cross the yellow line it means an accident automatically… fuck that dude.

Wayne is one of the realist dudes I know, if you can’t see eye to eye on his perspective when it comes to this forum shit, that means we don’t agree either.

This shit isnt changed completely, its still shift but its heading to a pretty shit place just like the rest of our country so im pointing that out before its too late…

if it gets too late i know for a fact new forums or existing forums will cash in. I’ve seen it in so many communities. Honestly the only time you should bother making a forum is when there is an obvious void to fill a space, whether its because an active forum just shut down or has become unpopular due to its poor management.

Shit just seems to be moving in a direction that is whack.

I dont need citations and “proof” … I know how im feeling about shift and I know others agree with me too, im just saying

+rep x2^^ not gonna say my position in this arguement but im sure you all already know lol

You keep starting fires and saying how horrible things are over the last few months with no facts to back it up and im going to think you want people to jump ship.

Only things that happened is me sticking the rules up and the personal attacks on a new member which got a few people banned.

Other than that it’s the same old, same old.

Do explain how you would have handled the situation without the ban?

Also keep in mind we are extrmely lenient on banning here, as Mk4 have said every other forum on the planet bans for less and without question. These guys are spoiler where a ban for a few days is the worst thing that can possibly happen and everybody cries about it, where else where it’s a permanent ban just for disagreeing with staff or breaking the rule which has been repeated over and over and over again. Maybe you’d think we really want you to follow it by now?

Stop propheting about the doom of shift, it’s getting tiring lately as you’ve been doing it forever and saying it’s not “run right”.

There are a few people making loud noise about how they don’t like this and that, because they are the ones who break them.

Everybody else seems to be fine with the rules as they don’t have a problem following them and they understand that it helps the community. People are sick of this being a bashful hateful place.