FREE Track Time and Class! Anyone interested?

And to hit on the subject of actually riding, I began the day nervous as all hell and very slow. One of the slowest in the beginners group even. But by the end of the day I had no chicken strips left on my tires (not that I went there with more than a quarter of an inch on each side :lol) and that was while riding in the rain even. It was easily the hardest and the fastest I have ever hit turns and it wasn’t even dry. Sorry I keep hitting on the fact that the track was wet but I’m still amazing at how hard I was able to push the bike considering the conditions.

My riding form improved ten fold and I now feel much more confident on the bike going into corners applying the principles I have been reading about for months but have always had trouble really using due to my lack of skill and cautions with street riding.

So I started as one of the slower in the beginners group last time and now this time I will be running in the intermediate group as by the end of the day I was (from what I could see) the fastest in the beginners group and continuosly getting held up by slower riders.

Little better for ya Mike? :lol


Mike, I know you aren’t planning on doing a track day this year but would you want to ride along with me and possibly Aaron to spectate at this one? I have plenty of room and it would cost you very little, only food really.

For those who were wondering - Pictures posted

Sorry for the late response… went away for the weekend.

To get the $200 deal, you have to place your order during the Early Payment Period (which ends at 10PM tonight… Sunday).

It normally ends 14 days before the event, but with these two events so close together, I extended it a week.

Anyway, place the order on the website by tonight (choose OFFLINE PAYMENT) … then send in payment via Paypal or by check. If you don’t choose offline payment, when you are transferred to Paypal it will have the full price.

If this is not clear… just place the order and choose OFFLINE PAYMENT… then email me and I’ll walk you through any questions.

Photos from Owen is out for RED group BTW.

Aaron did you sign up for the trackday?

Goodluck finding your photos. 343 pictures shown four at a time and they aren’t even sorted by anything other than where they were taken on the track, what a horrible setup.

Vlad you’re shown in the red group pictures, on both bikes.

Update: There are maybe three pictures of Vlad and none at all of either Aaron or me.

Update number two: Both the red and yellow group pictures seem to be exactly the same bikes and pictures just in different order.

Owen is supposed to email me once he finds all pictures of me and then we can chose one I paid for that he considers the best.

Frankly the whole setup is a mess, but I do know what he’s dealing with and that’s thousands of pictures all taken within a small time frame that have to be edited and organized. It’s not easy or fun by any means.

It almost seems like Owen was selective or favored certain people, as I keep seeing the same group of bikes over and over again :ponder

If you really want to see something impressive, check out the blue group and how nearly every guy has his knee down in every shot :wow

I found 7 of me and 5 of Bryan and 1 of Vlad in the Red Group. Vlad did move up to Yellow, so there should be more of him there. See my facebook link for all the photos I found eariler, including Bryan and Vlad.

Ok, I think something was messed up at Owen’s. All the pictures I found of me and Bryan has gone in the red group. It looks like something is mixed up and they have Yellow groups pictures in the Red group tap.

Glad I did save the photos I found earlier in my PC. Byran, If you want, pm me your email and I can email those to you.

Were we looking at the same place on the website?

I went through all 3 sections, all photos, and I haven’t seen any of you or Bryan. Lots of pictures were doubled/mixed between red and yellow as well.

I think they messed up.

At some point after they uploaded the Red group photos, they put all the yellow group photos in the red group folder on their site.


We must have looked at them right as he was uploading, when I was looking it was only two groups posted up even.

Aaron where did you find the pictures? looking through the red group I can still only see one picture of my self, could you post the pictures you found up in this thread? I can’t look at facebook while at work.

shoot me aPM with your email, I will sent it to you instead.

PM sent

Do you have an actual link to the exact gallery? I can’t for the life of me figure out where you found them.

I don’t have the link anymore. The location where I got them from on their site has already been replaced with yellow group photos. Go to the Red Group tab on their site and you will now see bikes with yellow stickers on them…:retardclap