FS: 2GeeBee Rams, 2.4 Geehz Macbook 1000 OBO

2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
2GB memory
160GB hard drive
Double-layer SuperDrive - I just have to verify this when I get home, I’m sure it has it.


I bought it in July, I just don’t want a macbook.

Battery holds for about 5 hours, I can include any software you want on it.

If you wan pics I can get them I don’t see the point lol since it doesn’t look any different than a pic you see online.

1300 when i bought it… 1000 and its yours


sweet parts you got there guy

yea way to go moran, and glad to see that the macbook outsmarted you :smiley:

It didn’t out smart me… I just don’t want it. I would prefer a macbook pro… or a cheaper dell laptop.

Its kind of up in the air.

you still dont see what you did there


:shrug: what am I missing

oops now I see what I did… Mod please move… to think I get soo pissed off at people when they do this too :frowning:

YOU SUCK :slight_smile:

Get it, its fantastic :slight_smile:

I knew you buying a Mac wouldn’t last long. I almost got one too just to try it out but I found a gateway that is faster, 17" 1080p screen, and 4GB of DDR 3 RAM for less than 1300.

After playing with the Mac OS, I really don’t like it either. GLWS.

why would you need a MB pro? Graphics card?

single mouse button too confusing for ya?

You know you want this to match your iPhone and girlfriends Macbook



LOL it was only a matter of time I guess. This is what you get for trying to be an iSheep.

I wasn’t emo enough … I had to get rid of it :frowning:


I dont no how anyone could own an apple and want to go back to a windows based system. Far superior…

I don’t know how anyone could just come into this thread to say something as fucking stupid as this. Hi… This is a forsale thread. Take your wrist cutting butt fucking rainbow bullshit elsewhere. Faggot