
aight so i went out on allen st the other night. i parked right past brick bar by that little parking lot. apperantly it was a no standing zone. when it came time to go home my car WAS GONE i found a cop handing out tickets like there where candy on holloween and i asked him WHERE THE FUCK IS MY CAR. he said the MINI towed it means they took my car and put it down some side street in a spot but he could’nt tell me where. once i found my car the dome light was on and the doors where locked ? newayzz i started it up and turned the wheel and heard the loudist most horrable noise ever THEY TOTALLY FUCKED MY CAR my steering pump is making all kinds of noise and the bottom of my bummer was fucked to. AND I GOT A $75 TICKET! and they clam they are not responsable. FTP!!! i never really had a problem with the police but now i find myself listening to ICE-T as i fall asleep ever night.

i odnt see how towing a car will injure the power steering pump

don’t park illegally next time?

me eather ME EATHER but as soon as i started it up it started making noise im gonan tear into it tonight and see what happened i dunno how or wat they didi but its not good


guys come on im not that stupid i was raining and there where about 5 cars in front of me which might i add where all missing along with mine im just pissed they had to fuck it up to move it

so bad weather permits you to park like a douche?

sorry, I can’t feel bad for you.

Pay your ticket, fix your shit, and live on. They didn’t impound it… so you should be grateful

I’m with slacker on this one. Towing the car was justified, ticketing him was justified, but damaging his property was not.

Had he not parked illegally, they would not have needed to tow the car. If they had not towed the car, there would be no damage. The police are not liable because he was parked illegally to begin with.

Shit happens, suck it up and don’t do something stupid like this again. Now if you can prove that the spot is not properly marked as a no standing/parking zone, then you have a case, otherwise :gotme:

Would you like some cheese with your whine?


tow trucks will do whatever they have to in oder to get ur car out, u might have left the wheel turned and gotten it dragged like that or sumn. I know its fucked up but thats why u gotta be careful where u park ur shit man. good luck fixing it


i think its bs… call your insurance and have them deal with it.


thats retarded. im with slacker.

aight guys its over me and turbociv fixed her up they pinched the return hose for the power steering pump so the fluid was’nt flowing pretty easy fix BUT the only point i was trying to make is towing was ok ticket was ok property damage not ok thats all i was tryin to say. its kinda funny to see where this post went and peoples odd opinions on the situation.

my opinion came from the fact that you can’t expect them to care how they treat your vehicle after you parked illegally.

i think its so funny how ppl illegally mod a car and whatnot, they will race on the street, do illegal burnouts/drifts in parking lots…BUT, they think ur a clown for parking in a no parking lane and they always use turn signals cause “its the law” and same wih seatbelts i assume, man, just doesnt make sense

When you pay for as many tickets as me… you see the light… pay to play.

When I get a ticket I don’t bitch an complain… I pay the fine and drive another day.

I don’t park illegally.
I use my turn signals.
My car has a cat.

You know they are no parking lanes for a reason right? Like speed limits?