fuck police

^I don’t suggest any exhaust because I don’t give a fuck what exhaust you have. I also don’t care what one is the most quiet. My point is, you have a loud exhaust, don’t bitch about getting a ticket for it. STFU.

He has a good point… you knew other people have gotten tickets for their exhausts in the past… so don’t bitch.


Well thanks for your gratifying car enthusiast support. Obviously you don’t care about what exhaust i have, then why bother even responding. You have nothing to contribute. The very reason I went with my exhaust was in the hope of evading being ticketed as most people would with their giant baby eating exhausts. Ah well.

In other words it really depends on a cop’s mood if they see an import sports car whether to ticket or not. They don’t give a shit at times if you have a fart can but alas.

man up pay the ticket or take it to court its that simple. you must have alot of spare time on your hands to be whining like a baby about the same thing over and over… no wonder the cop gave you a ticket.

I hope you get a ticket too to ‘whine about it’ :slight_smile: What a great community. You all gotta man up. (sarcasm – what a shitty attitude)

Obviously I’m going to fight it in court. What you wouldn’t be pissed off if some random cop just pulls you over not even a minute into your drive to work? While just getting onto the highway :rolleyes:

Fucken harassment.

I had the same exhaust as you last year, and it was loud as f%ck.
Magnaflow cat, 22" resonator, and dual tip muffler.
The 2.5" piping keeps it loud, and those components aren’t that quiet.

You can get Magnaflow components smaller than 2.5", I’m pretty sure I’ve seen 2" or 2.25" around.
Mine was on my Maxima, but still, same specs, and it was uber loud.

I don’t know what kind of contribution you would expect from a thread that was retarded from the start when you clicked that button to start a new thread.

My contribution to this thread is to bring the light to the fact that this thread need not exist!

You did not ask for help or opinions, what did you expect out of making this thread? Did you want to start an anarchy or something?

Seriously i think i speak for everyone when i say that we don’t want to hear you (or any other member) bitch about a legit ticket. If the police harassed you then yeah go for it post up by all means.

I don’t see it being too hard to find an OEM exhaust in half decent shape from another member on the site either seeing as 90% of us have aftermarket exhausts on our cars so if you really wanted one they would likely be glad to get 30 bucks for it and spend a few bucks on a new CAT and you would have a nice quiet exhaust that is emissions friendly, but we all know you don’t want that for serious…

Well i dont know how much more quiet one can get other than a brand new OEM exhaust. Every fart can that i’ve seen JDM or made in china/ebay has been loud as fuck too :-/

Only way to supress it is go turbo lol, and I’m not going that route.

Go put that rusted OEM 70lbs shit back on your car. And what a hypocrite LOL. Why would I get someone’s garbage when they are putting an aftermarket one on as well. For the lawl.

No offense but your car looks like heap of scrap man and you can’t deny it… Maybe if your car looked clean they would not have bothered you. They want to rack up as many dollars per time they pull someone over so its worth their while if i saw a car that looked like a shit box id be pulling it over too if to start with i could hand him 2 tickets just for a noisy exhaust and just add the others on to it.

this i what i roll and it is a nice deep quite tone…

Why would i want to do that? I can deal with paying a ticket if i get one for the enjoyment of having my 3 inch exhaust on my car and not bitch to fellow enthusiasts about it like a little baby! These things come with modifying your car. Its like i said before either deal with it and quit your bitching or don’t do it!

EDIT: PS i likely would not get the ticket like you would either because i don’t have a piss poor attitude towards the police like you do.

The cop said nothing about my car and only felt like giving random tickets (eg: looked at my steering wheel and wanted me to honk it). Typical round about bullshit. You’re just being a bitch and trying to argue with me hatefully. You’re an ass.

My car may have beat fenders (OH WOW) but the whole suspension and brakes and all the fundemental components of the car are more mint than probably anyone on this site as it’s all been replaced. So fuck you. I’d be worried about other’s cars having rotten suspension components more than my car being unsafe or illegal.

Translation: You’re an asshole and are arguing with me for nothing. There’s something wrong with the law or those enforcing it not our cars. A piece of shit 70lbs rusted OEM exhaust vs a brand new stainless steel quality welded exhaust. I dont know!

this man speaks the truth

Should have told that cop to get something with some balls then you would have herd him.

my car is fucking loud, people can vouch with me on that. Bing that screamer pipe is crazy!!!

But when im driving normal in my rhd car no problems. when the officer looks at u i just give a nod/smile and everything’s cool.

The one ticket i got for the exhaust, well i deserved it. Late at night through downtown dundas i asked my self i wonder what it sounds like with all these tall buildings. 100 yards away and around the corner, and the cop still told me that its ridiculously loud lol

in all honestly i just accept it and stay away from the bar for one night.

How would it be random if he is doing typical things like checking your horn and noticing while driving near you that your exhaust is noisy?

You know i had no problem with you like most people on the site do but now your telling me im an ass hole for being honest and giving you my opinion and im starting to realize why so many people hate you. If you cant afford to do shit properly right away so you cut a corner and plier your fenders thats fine by me and its great because function<form but thats a good reason to assume your car is a pile of shit when visually the body is in horrible shape they cant see whats underneath so they pull you over knowing they got you for at least 2 things regardless (improper muffler, un nessisary noise) and check the rest of your car out. There is nothing random about that so quit bitching and im going to have to join the bandwagon now since you used very hurtfull language towards me and say:


No jeff, fuck you. If at least you weren’t a hypocrite and just a nutjob who actually believes we should keep our cars ‘stock’ (somehow?) when it’s a car enthusiast website I’d understand but now you’re just proving you’re an asshole trying to pick a fight/argue with me for no apparent reason like some douches on here that randomly like to pick fights with me.

Yup my fenders are crap, keep emphasizing that, it must make your penis larger.

I’ve always made tried to stay out of the ahmed series of comments…but… you admitted the KA is loud… any exhaust on a KA is gonna be loud. magnaflow didn’t put a gun to your head to buy the exhaust… hence whatever you do with it is your fault… I Sympathize with you cause i’ve had atleast 4 of those tickets in the last year and fought them all and won cause if a cop can’t show you any proof of how loud an exhaust should be then he shouldn’t be allowed to judge… it would be jumping to a conclusion…

Ahmed you seem to have good intentions but your previous conquest on the forum are fucked by the way you portray yourself once you are attacked… this is just my suggestion if someone attacks you on the internet ignore them cause noone really care what is said online… shit i’ve threatened to kick kimbo slices ass but thats not likely… everyone sits and reads what you write and just poke at you cause they know your head is gonna start spinning and you will throw a long ass hissy fit…

lastly…call street legal or once of those places and fight the ticket… i have a few officers in my family and i have quite a collection of tickets to my name… so i’m not talking out my ass… any cop can find any problem with anything they are the law and they don’t hesitate to use their power… so stop whining and relax

^^Exactly! Discussion complete!

insurance will get thrown out and so will the exhaust tickets, just bring a letter from the mechanic and show pics of it… its easy dont stress… you wont have to pay a dime!

Ahmed, i have lots of chinese made parts on my car and yet my car is way way way faster than yours…