fuck the police thats how i treatem

^^ lol. when I read this first thing that came to mind was that dude from Pineapple Express, “******* THHHEEE PPOOLLIICCEE” slow motion. Then he misses. LOL.

lol last time i checked, a seat belt ticket was a point or two ? how many of those are your gonna take in the ass before you run out and do loose your license, heres a tip kids, dont get tickets for things you can avoid with ease, i.e muffler/seat belt/no plate/ etc… yeah shit happens but i guarantee you werent on your knees for the cop… not by the way it sounds lol

I’m gonna smack a bitch.



“when your breaking the law you know its for something” -Ricky from trailer park boys.

This thread delivers.

lol good quote and it’s so true.

No one does anything for nothing these days…

My VTEC only lasts 4 seconds :frowning:

You need to re-charge your VTEC.

as me said before. bs man…bs…
btw i went to amc at like 940 ish… nobody there… lol

^^^ That is funny, I cried with laughter.

Click-it, Or Ticket MothaFucka!!!
