i guess you don’t learn from ur mistakes? u need to learn how to walk away. the tough guy shit gets u into trouble. not tryin to be a dick just being brutally honest.
i wasn,t a tough guy at all untill i got hit in the face then i just smiled,sorry bob but i don,t tkae shit from ANYBODY! I don,t care who u are or who u know,i have taken bigger guys than that a few times and for christ sakes i should be boxing or something but i got better shit to do than start with people but if u rub me the wrong way or talk shit or touch me then u should of thought of that when ur in the hospital,except of course if i get grabbed form behind and jumped by some wanna be tough guy or 2. I DON,T TAKE SHIT FORM ANYBODY…PLAIN N SIMPLE! :rant:
At the next game get an empty cup and pee in it. Then go to a concession stand and buy all the guys that you have a beef with a round of beers. Before you head back to the seats add some of the pee from the first cup to each one of theirs and throw away the empty pee cup. Return to their seats, act real nice and say something like “I’m really sorry things got out of hand at the last game and seeing how our seats are close together I wanted to show you guys that I have no hard feelings about the whole thing.” Hand them the SPECIAL beer and go sit down and shut up about what you did. Don’t ever tell a soul, just smile every time you see those jagoffs in the future.
:blue: u 2 are the perfect couple.lol thanks. cutty u r right masn and thats y i didn,t fight back at the time but if i could do it all over i would do it right cause it would of been self defense.