Fuel Issue! car dies when it is warm HELP!

ah man my baby served me well this summer, but has a strange fuel issue. i can start the car up when its cold, and it revs and idles fine. once its warm, when i turn it off, and then attempt to re-start it starts and quickly dies out, and will not start like its out of gas, but i have a 1/4 tank.

i messed with the relays, but for some reason the fsm does not show where the fuel pump relay is (or i’m blind, which is clos to true). i found some relays near the drivers side footwell, above the fuses. i switched them around, but it didn’t help.

my gas gauge has only been accurate on the last quarter tank, which leads me to believe it may be the fuel pump, which i hope its not since it start fine when cold.

ARRRGHH! any feedback would be appreciated, i already spent over 2 bills on a flatbed tow home


those symptoms make me feel its ure fuel pump…

I can be almost sure its an electrical problem because when you first start your car its in closed loop mode because the sensors dont work properly unless they are at temprature, then your ecu swiched to closed loop so your car will run more efficiently and takes inputs from the senors. Im guessing when its switching to closed loop its turning off.