Fuel Line installing?

So I have to put a new fuel pump in. Here’s my potential problem.

I have steel braided fuel lines. Initally when I installed them the were clean of course so it was easy to heat the ends to help them slide over the barbs on the fuel pump. Now I have to put them back on the new pump but obviously heating them is not an option.

Is there any kind of lubricant that I can put on the barbs that will help me slide on these lines a little easier? They are only plastic barbs on the pump. But they have a small ridge that you have to get the line over so you can calmpit on the other side.

Can you use some kind of lubricant there that won’t hurt anything or contaminate the line? I wouldn’t need very much I’m sure.

Curious? Anyone?

Use electric tape than take it off after. Im not too sure it will work in your situatiation but I use electric tape to slide tight shit over wires and lines all the time. :smiley: Hope it works

You should be able to use just a little bit of engine oil. It’s not going to contaminate your fuel at all, and it shouldn’t affect the lines at all.