i know gms are notoriuos for that shit but dont’ cavy’s have a fuel door access under the seat? i figured all sub-compact cars had those now a days…
we got lucky with jims because there wasn’t much hacking involved…drilled a hole through the middle, cut out some material to fit the pump and what made the system work was this:
i can’t remember what its’ called off the top of my head but what it allows u to do is pass an fittings through something (aka top of the fuel sending unit or firewall) so what we did was put an oring on it and the nut on the other side and we ran a straight an setup from the pump itself to the rail, not hybridign to the stock lines VERY clean setup.
Not sure about the access I will have to look . I never noticied it, but i will look tomarrow due to me runing the main line tomarrow…