Fuel Pump buzzzzz?

Hey guys,

So i was coming back from my friends garage and i noticed when stopped there was a very loud buzzing coming from the pump. Like priming sound when you start the car up. Is my fuel pump on its last leg? it only started this today and its also retardedly warm here.

Has anyone had this problem and does anyone know what this means?


could be something in your tank…pull the pump and have a look…im sure u could buy a used pump for 10 bucks from somebody on the bored

either you fuel pump is starving or your tank is empty

is the sound like a loud whine? what kind of pump do you have? Walbro’s are known to make whining noises. if that is the case, you could get a bosch.

I’m sure I have a walbro 255lph. Now I’m don’t have any fuel cut and my tank is half full. So if it’s thud they whine it’s annoying but I can live with it. Thanks for your input on this!

Also thought i should mention. I just drove home and the fuel pump was silent like before. Its night so cooler temp. Dont think this has anything to do with it but its interesting

A buddy of mine had a walbro on his fc3s rx7 and it used to whine from startup and would continue. And his car was actually running…well! I also looked at some reviews on walbros and they have been known to make the whine noises. If you are not having any sort of fuel problem i would just live with it…if you really hate the noise like i do, get another brand cause they all do the sme job.