gas gonna go back up next week?

Pardon me if I refuse to believe or take any solice in someone that can’t even spell the name of the TOWN THEY LIVE IN CORRECTLY. It’s Wilkinsburg, there is no E in there.

Did you study economics in school? Do you have any experience with gasoline/oil/natural gas or any other fossil fuels? Do you know any economists that work for both fuel providers as well as special interest groups in Washington that are supremely aware of how gas prices are affected?

Answer those questions truthfully and honestly, and then we can talk. Maybe if you stop reading all the horse shit that is plastered all over,, and, and did some actual research about the topic, you’d be more well informed.

Pardon me for coming off like a know it all prick, but I’m very well versed in this portion of the economy. I know what I’m talking about. I’m not on this board just shooting from the hip a bunch of shit that I read on the internet or searched on “The Google”.