Gas tank stuck on full

hey guys, last night aswell i was crusin around and sliding and the next thing i knew my gas tank was at over full… it was origionally at a half a tank before i started driving so… something must have happened to send the gauge to full… but its not good because now i have to keep it 24/7 topped up until i figure out this problem, i tried filling it up all the way to see if that would bring it down, but it didnt work. any help?

its probably ur sending unit. The float has been broken, or is stuck on full. Other than that it could maybe be the gauge. If u know ur car gets x amount of mileage then u dont need to keep it on full. For example, i know my buick gets 450 to a tank of gas. So when it gets to 350km’s i might aswell fill it up…

Just open the full pump assembly from your trunk and take a look. There’s a pivot thing that has a floating thing at the end. Check to see if its stuck or something.

Its only four bolts, easy to take out. Make sure you don’t smoke while doing that. Also you might want to replace the cover gasket ring, because its usually all swell up and hard to put back in.

hahaha so many of us drift with s14 and then gas meter is messed… i have yet to fix mine aswell i know like 4 s14s same problem

Another reason it could happen is rust on top of your sending unit, the wires that go into it rot out and ground out, which would make a false signal to the cluster.

i got the same problem from drifting too much.

it happens because you drift and the weight transfer from side to side fucks things up good.

i know at least 3-4ppl along with lucidsnow that happend right after drifting.

use your speedometer meter and just look at how many kms u get.

i usually get 400-500km a tank. thats how i keep track now.

once it gets REAL low, then it will drop to the proper place and then you know when to gas up.

i got used to it, same with my tach. its all screwy.

Hahaha nice!

irc, the S14 fuel sending unit is plastic up top? correct me if im wrong.