GAS WAR - an idea that WILL work


Besides, crude isn’t the problem. Crude stockpiles are in great shape. The problem is we can’t turn enough of it into gasoline fast enough. Thank the greenies that have blocked any new refineries from being built since the 70’s. Wait till a hurricane comes ripping through the gulf this summer and knocks a couple refineries offline, then you’ll see what real high gas prices are.


i can not believe that there is only 1 other person on this forum that realizes that this is the problem. there hasnt been a new refinery built since the mid 70’s (76 i think). that was a long ass time ago, demand has gone up, but there is not more product to fill that demand. are you people that fucking stupid that you just cant grasp this?

and the idea of banning people for posting this garbage is a fan-fucking-tastic one. for this thread we will start with a warning; any others will result in a 1 day ban for being :bloated: