Gauging interest in Drift Event

I’m an RPI Alumn

srs bzns!

coupes FTW

fo srs?

Yup. Had an almost full ride scholarship there freshamn year 01. When 911 happened and one of the kids in my class was investigated for stealing hazardous material from the bio chem lab i transfered.

I regret that to this day. Biggest regret of my life but for me that was seriously a really scary time. My good friends dad died that day. I was you and immature and scared and made a bad decision. If i stayed there i could have been in basically a different life right now. I loved it there too.

I checked up last year and was accepted to go back but sadly i just can’t afford it now.

sorry to hear about that. I graduated in 03 and loved every second of it.

QFT. Wish i still had my coupe :cry:

my coupes rusting pretty good but i still love it. got it out of a junkyard for $400 and i wouldn’t have it any other way!

daily drifter for life!

dude overs and side skirts= bye bye rust

unless its frame rot…

rust FTL

Mine’s still pretty clean :smiley:

Can’t wait until I can bring it to an open course and get a better feel for the car :o:O

there is actually a place in glens falls that you can hardcore terrorize that is a pretty decent open parking lot to fuck around in

the frame is solid. it’s the pass side rocker thats got the rot and small spots here and there but nothing major and you can’t really see it on the car unless you lay on the ground. i’m gonna cut out the bad spots and weld in some new metal. i don’t know if i want a body kit thought.

“there is actually a place in glens falls that you can hardcore terrorize that is a pretty decent open parking lot to fuck around in”

where is this? how much time do you think before the cops show up?

Though it did take longer than I thought, as predicted, the drifting thread eventually turned into a 240 rust discussion.

Its an industrial park. During snow storms a bunch of has have been up there from like 11 to 2 am fucking around with no cops or cars anywhere to be seen. its basically the end of a dead end road

Hmm interesting…

Benny had a good spot as well, it’s probably perfect on weekends.

I wouldn’t say perfect…it’s within reasonable ear shot of a state trooper barracks. :rofl

Oh snap!!!

…yeah :rofl