Gauging interest in Drift Event

Deal :rofl

northface… i got the EMS fleece it’s alot cheaper! but didn’t touch it in the past year or so. maybe i’ll take it out and show it off at x-gates lol.


I have actually done more than slide around a corner. but it was like 100 years ago now and not in the lexus or even my own car

The car in your profile looks familiar, i think we may have met once. Red AE86 hatch, Walmart parking lot (Wilton). I had locked my keys in the car.

I think i remember you telling the story of meeting him

/\ hahahahahahaahaha,

Leave it to SRS BZNS to have some weird homo-erotic story post

Ron… LMAO…

Sam, I found the manual boost controller it was in my center console, so I’ll give it to you whenever we see each other again next week.

Mike, good meeting you. I’m looking forward to working with you.

BTW we will not post dates until the Dragway posts the dates on their site first.

*Wow, Ron Best. Story. Ever. AHHHH ahhaah it won’t let me + rep you cause I already - rep’d you. Classic.


the dates should hopefully be up this week!

notice the word “dates” lol

Sorry we just don’t want to cry wolf. We post dates of events then Howard or Howard’s insurance does some Hully Gully and drops them.

When everything is 100% sure then you will know.


Ugh, if only my car were to be done soon…

im very intrested in watching i want my dauhter and my bro and his kid to see drifting . its always been something i want to do but i have to many toys

Lol, yea somehow everyone turns my meets into homo-erotic stories :wink:

What? Is everyone out turning wrenches on their cars to get them going for the track?

Nope I’m workin, you’re amanda’s brother, right?

yes, and you would be?

went to school with her, friends from like middle school lol