Get ready for extra Nickel water bottle deposits.

no, your argument that this would waste gas would be stupid. people don’t make special trip to the grocery store to return 60 cents worth of bottles.
they either wait for $20 to build up or return that 60 cents worth when doing their normal shopping.

This kind of thing is damned if you do and damned if you dont. It would almost be better if it was like $1 a bottle, because it would eliminate the “It’s not worth it” argument. Similar to what NYS did for kegs. Would make buying a case of water a real bitch though.

I hate that they are trying to FORCE you to do something. It is bullshit.

Here in Texas they don’t have deposits on anything. Do I see more bottles and cans laying on the streets and sidewalks? No. Do more people just toss bottles and cans in the trash? Maybe.

At work and in my apt complex they have recycling, which are full all the time. They collect the recycling at my apartment daily and six huge bins are pretty much full everyday.

For that 5 cents per can, they should just buy Mexicans to sort the trash in the landfill. Place recycling plant next door and bam, problem solved!

If they don’t force you to do something that requires even the least bit of effort, people don’t do it. Don’t underestimate america’s laziness. I realize this every time my garbage can at home is full of bottles and cans because my roommates would have to actually step outside to put them in the recycle bin :bloated:

On what line of my tax return should I put the money I get back from deposits?

I leave my empty bottles in the cart corral so the cart boy can make some extra money.

This sucks for me, I have shitty well water that I refuse to drink so I go through a ton of water bottles. Normally I just throw them and any pop bottles in the recycling bin cause I could care less about the bottle return but fuck that. I guess it’s time to go back to filling the water jug at my parents house :tdown:

get a brita?

Reverse osmosis FTW

The deposit is annoying, most materials that get recycled these days go unused, there is no more money to be made in it since it has become so common place. A lot of time the recycled materials cost more, so companies are still generating new waste anyway…

I enjoy not having a deposit…

Im usually conservative with most things but I am for this bottle bill. The amount of trash created with bottled water is disgusting.

And you think the dumb people who throw their empty bottles out their car window’s are going to be returning them now instead?

Either they or someone else will. They won’t be laying on the side of the road.

It’s not worth it, the well water still tastes like shit and I would be changing filters all the time. It’s just easier to take the 5 gallon water jug the 5min down the road and refill it once a week at my parents house I guess. Fucking well water sucks, but at least it just tastes bad instead of smelling terrible and being useless.

In the city maybe but that shit will still be all over the place in the suburbs.

really? thats bs if its true. you would think that if they were going unused that the price would come down to shift the demand curve.

I think that could change with the emphasis on going ‘green’ and all that. Being able to sell more by saying its made with 100% recycled material may offset the additional cost us using the recycled material.

The suburbs clean that kind of shit up. I don’t see much garbage of any kind floating around in Amherst.

While this is true it just goes to show how it will make the earth cleaner isn’t a legit reason to pass this bill, it’s just an excuse to make the law seem more fair.

Listen if you dudes can afford to buy bottled water, when faucet water is almost free than you can afford the extra 5 cents per bottle that is refundable.

I especially like the Aldi’s bottled water.
“Source: Erie County Municipal Water Authority”